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Show t1 ') 'i - The Lhkc Excursion. A selpct company, fifdadioj unit gentleman gentle-man enjoyed n Jileasuitftt'ip on the Lake last evening oil tho tiiiiur t'lonuco, Dr. Seahriglit lielng In charge of tin company. A'thoitgh hUtt 11 nntnU r backed out 011 nicootlfXt the stormy as pectofthe wenlhcr lWf- ws onouh left to have it good flffiu twni'u 01 singing and nttisio by Jh'p stilus band, I ilitncing by tho company which with the cool and bracing air oTjho Iuko mud the trip onu ol pleasure. Itnd lecn anon ' long to bo rcnicnibercK by llioso who took part In It. Tlrejl) en'.n.ly yap-lets no liiliorbeJncn Iw.ird wlm h proves that n teinperoiico comi t.it " in liave a good tlnioloiijyiitcr The 11 ilv accident of Hid ovclfnfjiappi n"d to tlio doctor wlio hudforgoUrii to bring his basket aboard coiitmfuiTif Mtvriil well filled Iwtlles of runic", tvhicli he had protldcd In case ofeii-ickne.M. No Bickuess occuncd hovmer, and all i-litrned i-litrned e.ifoto land welliplcaBedwiili the lime they had enjoyed The p.irij indulged in-dulged in 11 dance at thtuMurdo-k n irt which kept up until itttTr mid lighl. |