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Show HATS CAIltlYINQ EC1CIS. All OiiiHtnt Mull Wntclies Dm Perforin-Hiice Perforin-Hiice mill DeaLlllies II. Ii. L. Cloud, of Omaha, luitt'hk-ugo poKir suys: Lust summer tho girl kept complain lng thut Bho could never flint any rgga fu tho btru. I did iiotthlnkluurhof It ut that, but Anally when tho complaint wns repeated repeat-ed almost ovory day I Imgau to Hunk it was rullierstraiigo thut wo should not got morn tlinii llueo or four oggs when wohmlut lenst llvo doien hens, nnd so doloriuluod to look into tho matter It was moro than n week, though, befoio 1 soled tho mystery, and then It was merely by accident, I was standing In tho bai u one Sunday morning when u lien enmo cockling fioui her uostin tho manger, and a few minutes after a big rat camo from his holo, ran ucrosa the barn nnd climbed Into the manger I could hear hint, ami was idly watching to aoq what ho wus doing, when you can huagino my surprise sur-prise to bco hlni rolling tho egg in front of him toward tho edge of tho uiangor. After a good many efforts ho Anally succeeded He paused there, gathciing tho egg up mi dor Ids "chin;" ho rolled himself couiploio-ly couiploio-ly around It, roscmhllnij tho form of n hedgehog when alarmed, then ho delllier nti-iy rolled over tho odgo of tho maugor, nud dropped squarely ou his hack ou tho floor, two feet below, thus tinvlug tho egg whole. Immediately ho began to squaul wllh all his strength, and Just na I wns starting to put him qit of his misery, thinking think-ing ho had broken bin back In tho fall, two j other nils appeared pti tho ncciio. Thornm lip to tho 111 at ono, nt ho lay on tho Hour, und each seizing hold of a html leg began to drag him, egg and nil, ncross tho barn. Just as they roached tho holo, and tho liist old grmled follow dlaappoarcil, pushing tho egg lu front of him, It dawned on mo that I had at last found out whoro our egg had beou ffoii-r. .V llcnhouahla itcciun Tho Maharajah Dliuleep Hingh souds a London paper n letter, uddi rased to the Queen, lnwhuh, nfler enuineiating ninny alleged wrongs, tin Insists ou tho lestorn Hon to Mm of tho ICoh 1 noor. llo Hys: "It will be useless fur lue to demand tho rostoratu i of uiy kingdom, swindled from mo by your ClirUtlau Oovoriiiueul, hut which I hopoahoilty.by Hid uld of I'rovl. dence, to retuUo from my robbers. Hut my ilimoiid,tbn Kolil..oor, I understand Id iiutlrely at your own personal disposal, 1 hoi ofore, hollo lug that your Mujesty to bo'thoiuost leligious l.idy' that your subjects sub-jects pray for oery HumUi, I do not luwl-tato luwl-tato to usk thul this gom be restore 1 to mo, or elan that, u fair price bo paid for it to mo out of vour pi Ivy pursoi |