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Show llldB Wanted. Hidfl will bemelved far 11 IIOTIII, to be built at Ixdii, Plans and Kpeiitiia-lions Kpeiitiia-lions can be aceu nt the Pioplu'a Co-op-erativo Institution, belli, or at delimits & Co. nillcc, Arihltius, Hull Uiku dtv. AH bids must bo in by Saturday, Aug. 15, at ' p. 111. 'lho proprietors ioseri thu light to rejfit any and nil bids. L't Km ki 11, Cm 1 1 11 A Wism Ir you want nny painting 01 paper-hanging paper-hanging done, cnll on Mr. (i. II. Van AI-stino AI-stino whose, advertisement von willso in nnolher loltiuin, lie has been here for somo timo having pa In tod houses fur Ocorge Dorton, Israel Kvanu Jr. nml the boctist firovo Co. Notice some of these and see how joti like the work, DON'T HEAD THIS! lit. HEWT0H II W TJIOMI'SOll Anitau Folk Olicoliig Shop I'm llrst 1 lass llome-shoeing and lllaekamithbig in nil its hrancheH go to thu Ainerie'iui Foil; Shop, oppimitu Cliipnian's oio. Mr. Jus. Now Ion will shoo vour lioisen in it wilisfiiclory iiiaunoi,iiiieifuiing, stuiiibllugiinil uvu-ri'iithlng uvu-ri'iithlng flopped, (.iciiorul Ilhicl.smith-iug Ilhicl.smith-iug by II. W. Tlioiiioiiwhoguaiiiiilees to do nil kinds o( iron work, buggies. Carts, and Wagons 11 Specialty nml I done wltli dispatih, Heiuembvr nlxivc I address. JSfOTtCE Don't Road Tills. soaud isovvo j oip oHjijip puu o.(is isouij oti 111 11 op iij.vv oiim uo uo no, ojiis sq op 110A 9ti)LM03ri) opi'-u! -to hiji1uut Jod uil 'auiiiijuil Auu luuvv no. oq One mid 11 half blocks Fast, and uuo block 1101th of the P O . Geo. McKilligan, Contracting Plasterer has como to slay. Work done on short notice at moderate prices. Call at the Bannf.u office Mrs. Harriet Wilson Hogs to nnnoiiiit'o that she bus rciuou'il bei Hoik of Millinery lo bei home, one hloik west of Tin. HiN.Ni'ii ulllie, where sho would be pleased to see hir customers, custo-mers, LAl'FST STYLES OF LADIFS AND CltlLDItF.N'S HA'IS JUST A It III v: I). Coijtc nr) d Gci a BARGAIN Will find that notwithstanding the JVlcfCJtEy BLL .d. Takes effect on the first of July, 1891 PEOPLE'S I-OP. INST. Will icll their iinincnso stcrk ol Underwear and Hosiery As well as TINwARE. ALSO Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, . Boots and Shoes, I And all Goods Kept in Stock at Hotloni iMgurcs for Cash 11 Wit LI HI ll.liililVi ' Is complete and will bo sold at bargain bar-gain prices to make room for the great fall line that is now on the way from the Manufacturers. Headquarters for LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And all kinds of Building Material. Farming Implements and Mmi . Wagons, Buggies and Carts for sale at Salt Lake " - Prices. T. R. Cutler, Supt. W. E. Racker, Ass't Supt. LEU I, llTJkll. Livery Feed and Sale Stablest People's Co-op Inst. Props. Will furnish first class Livery Rigs both Single and double at short notice and reasonaLIc terms. Hacks moot all trains both on tho U. P and R.C. W. Hallways. iHorses boarded by the day or week. Order your Carriages by Telephone at our expense. HORSES & MARES FOR SALE. Tor icrms apply to C. II. HARNliS, Mgr. JStnto Stroot, Ddolil. Bp0VlLE-y flOUSE f First-Class Accoinniodation at Moderate Prices. l.VF,UYTHINU Ni:.VT AND CI.UAN. TAIII.C I'N.srill'ASfei:!). 1 b. H. Dyer ol Oo. ContrmioiB for iinil lliiilile'r rl ? TP he Lehi Beet Sugaf factory. ' Designers, Builders and Operators. Of peel SUgar Factories atjdl Icfii)erics Wei will Kiiniiuiteu our work CoriiKpoiule'lHC Solle'ileil. Acldrcsss E- U, pijer & Co. l.i lii. I'l.ili, in Vhanulo Cnliforniii. H dr7c." l. seabrighx Zs-xi7 STiiinT, XjX-tii, T7T.rv.ii- IJrtics, Medicines, Chcmi:aU, Toilet Artielts, I'.tncy Soaps, Cliamois Skills, Sponjie-, Hruslic-., I'cittimeiy, lClc. ls.tc , and l'liy- sici.uia' 1'ei'Criptioiij Caiefully Coinpotinded. k 1 |