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Show if Ceilar Valley Clippings. f On July 'J'.ltli our place wns v Idled with the heaviest rainstorm of the season, nicomp.inicd by thunder nml lightning, tt might almost bo called 11 cloud burst. Tin rain uhmo donn in shietri, which soon tilled up tho furrows and tovcreilnll vegetationof low growth, it nunc down slintly for ono and n half hours, mid with stub force that it damaged dam-aged the grain hv lading it, but was n great lienelit lo tho I itei ciops. On Aug. 1st, tlieio wan 11 still greater fall of water between this pint e mid Fairfield. There was no particular damage done, but incoiiU'iiiciicoil eoiiie of tho people of Fairfield by tilling up their pond with Hubhiih, surface water, etc Wi: h.tvo learned from n gentleman juet letiirncil from bolters Summit, that Ml. M'Cube, n horse ilenler, fiom Wj-oiiiiug Wj-oiiiiug had his horse nnd cart stolen by 11 Rtrnugir ho had taken nsnpartuci. They wero going to 'linlic district on n Picspcctlng tour, when they been me so thirsty they hud toiclurii to bolter's Summit for water Tliej were traveling with the hone and cart. Mr. McCabc loucludcd to ro batk by train, mil leit liis paitucr to ihhe the horse and cart-They cart-They Innefulled to incet.but Mr.McCnbe is 011 his track. -s Ho baa heard thnt he btrs tiled t081.lt tlieoutllt sovural times. Wk 1110 having very wiirm weather nt present, hoist week the wind blow wry hard fur sovvral iIiijh fiom tho couth, hut Thursday night it memed to hnvo nil come batk with Interest. 1 was awakened with raltleing window s, slam-luing slam-luing doora etc. The wind had 1 hanged to the north nnd was blowing almost 11 hurricane. I'uiinci.ii is dim I; with a building boom. Mr. I, It. Itodcback has lho lontract for building two moiu hoiisea, therefor, Mr. Andrew Parks nnd Mis. J. MeKiiintiy. Mrs. T. S. Ashwoith of Salt baku City is here visiting liersister. Wk will imvo plenty of fruit thin venr nnd of good pi.ility. The npples are frcerer of worms than they have hicu for several jcnis. The liny crop will fnll short, ns there will bo but one cutting, on amount of the wtttir failing in the north diteh. Cedar Fort Aug. I'Jtli 1WII |