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Show A HUMAN FAILINO. nticnixliii; IIik lilTuront Tiilnc. Dub" I.U,c to Kdl. Atnonff tho many tlii.i,j tlu' are haul tu undorMlaud is tlio funey cuteitainud by no many people, that otlier pooplo will bo Intotosted to hoar nt eousldero-blo eousldero-blo length what thoy hho to cat and tthat thoy do not lllro to eaL Tliere seems lo bo notliintr ol very great In-terent In-terent to one's friends in tint fact that 0110 Is passionately fond of cnhb.-tffo nml onions; and yet, next to tho weather, tlio moat frequent subject of conversation is probably tho subject ol eatables. "If thoio's nnythiiitf I dote on," snlil Mrs. Chubb, "It's a nice log of mutton with n butter irravy and capers. And I like-" 'Hut," says Mrs. Scragjr, bi-eaUii( in, "h there unylhlutftuoro horrid than pickled tripe? 1 can't bear It." "My fatorilo anuce," Mrs. Chubb coutinuoH, "Is fried apple saucoj nml hcallopcd apples I can't getonoiiKh of." "L'ltvsl" exclaims Mrs. Hemps', "you don't say sol No hind of fruit ngrccs with 1110. And I don't sco how anybody can eat tlioso mlsei able things thoy cull olivoB." So they go on for an hour. "Woll, I must Ikj iroln.'f." Miyi Mrs. Kcr.igjr- ri-Imr ri-Imr at last. "We've had u 1c.1l pleasant pleas-ant tlmol" 'I hfoughout tho wholo luturvlow .lira euuiiii lias ueen taiiiiiif; uiioui. tuu thinga hho lilieu, and Mis. Her.iut,' Iiiih boen talking about tliu tldngn tliu doim not like K.uh ono huVlioeu folloulnx her own teuipciniucut; nud while she luts not been ul all interested In u lint the other hni wild she has boon givutly interested in whuthhc hoi-self hau mud This pihnlplc of coinproinlbe In ((en-er.illy ((en-er.illy Uiq basis of theho littlo eonvei-Killons eonvei-Killons about food. "Iluvv would ll do," ivild ouo titan to another, when, on it Imur inlltvity jout-nry, jout-nry, Iholi-couvoisntlon had lagged, "to tell each other what we like toeat, mid divide the tlmoV" "Cupltnll" said tho other. "You tell mo fm- tell minutes what you like bei.t, and then I'll cull time on you, anil tell you what I lllio." "And then 1 begin again hi lint nnii-ttton nnii-ttton 111010? ' "Ceilalnly." It was ngrcod, and or a mortal hour Iho tttii moil lehtteit to each oilier tho smallest detniht of their tery disaiutihir food-llklnrrs, In leu miutito specclies At-thu end of tli.it limu th porter pabbctl through the ear and (innnuuied that illnner tvas re.iilj in tlio dluiiig car. "Hood1" exclaimed ono. "I'm so hungry 1 could tat iinvthhifr." "So could I," said the other Then thoy went in and tite cxitoll- Ih" -aim tilings, uhiih were practically tin-same tin-same that buth had ontiiti tho day 1h-fcro. 1h-fcro. -YoiiIIi'b Coiiipaulpu. " - - A company of Kiuutrau and Ihdirian fluanclerti with lurge oapitul hut. Iipi-u formed to eultlvate cotton on 11 huge scale in Ilokharu. A ceji.oy of farntcru from Hliuui have liotijiht six thotuwyl ucies of l.iml near tho town of MurccA s, ChL, which will be divided twenty-i V? t.ttcli, W i |