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Show A new ferry acioss thu Noith ltlter Is nooii to Im estnblislicd loi tho solo pui-poso pui-poso ol acioiuinodating tho fruit and berry trado of thu metropolis, which has of Into leached enormous projior lions. Tho foi ry will bu connected with tlio Iu'lghtjards of thu l'eiins.ilvmiia Kail-loid Kail-loid in Ji isey City, and tliu roadwajs will bu laid with graulto blocks hcttucn the tiiirkH, so as to facilitate tlio transfer of tho fruit fiom tho trains to thu wagons ol the dull dialed. Workmen aro now building bridges slips, and sidewalks leading from the fcrrvhousu 011 tho Jersey Jer-sey City side, nml Iho loiupany cspoiti lo hate Dm fttiy in opualiou by th first of September. Tne establishing of suihiifeiiy for tho luioiumodatlon of tchiilcu unly is, I beliitf, 11 step in tlio light direction. It is about time that thegieat paenengei feirles should he allowed to carry nothing but papeen-geie, papeen-geie, leaving tho liort.es and vehicles to ba carried by other boats. Why eomo such reform has not hien inauguialcd befoio is sonietlilng I cannot understand, |