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Show WON'T INTRUDE AGAIN. How n Rnplety Iiiteilnpor WiisDlsclpllueil liy WiialttuKtoit Club Man. Washington has long been notorious for a small class of hard-faced, persistent people, who mako tho rounds uf fashlonablo entertainments enter-tainments and receptions without either Invitations In-vitations or tho acquaintance of tho pcoplo upon whom they Intrude TlrVy aro of both toxes.nndnronliko marked for hrnzon au daclty. Ono, says tho Washington Post, was well dono up last season, and taught a lesson he will be alow In forgetting A certain club In tho West End Is noted for Its delusiveness. At a danco given by It this bold Intruder put In an appearance faultlessly nttlicd and complacent In pros pectofn pleasant evening, topped off with n lino collation Hoveral of tho floor managers man-agers happened together and nttcntion was called to tho conspicuous straugcr, whom none of them knew, liy a comparison of notes it was quickly discovered that nonoof the authorized persons had Issued him au Invitation and only onooven knew his name That ono approached him and asked: "Will j on Inform mo whoso guest you are this evening'" Tho Intrudor hemmed nnd hawed, but did not afford tho desired Information. "You will have to pardon me," continued tho gentleman, "but It is necessary to kuow tho namo of tbo friend vt ho has Invited you iern " Not receiving any satisfactory response, tho Moor manager continued i "You fall to seo what I am tiying to mako plain In you, sir You uro one of n class In this city who foi co themselves Into tho society so-ciety of peoplo wltli whom they nronotne quatntcd, and who como to cxi lusivo entertainments enter-tainments without tho formality of an Invl tatiou. Now, If jou will tako my arm I will conduct you to tho clonk-room. If )ou should go nlouo it would ennsa comment, but If j ou w ill tako my nrm peoplo will think jou aro nn acquaintance " Tho interloper took tho prolf crod arm and vanished from tho loom |