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Show I SMALL tlUT WICKED. How n Idttln Wretrli ol n Hoy llrokeTllli rl - Hlster's Heart. , , Tho compassion or tho scorn with which tho masculine mind regards thofomalonf tho raco begins so early In life, says the lloston Courier, that It Is moaldiuicult to say whether it Is tho result of Imitation or Is ono of tho gifts of Intuition. Tho small boy feels himself superior to his llttlo sister sis-ter qulto without regard to whether ho or sho Is tho moro clover. Ho Is ho and sho Is only she i A small flvo-ycar-cd lad, In whom this nuiso of mascullno nuimrlority was not wholly lacking, was ono duy nrrnyed in bis first trousers. Htnnding beforo his sister, ncouplnof years younger, ho drew himself up for her Insiioctlon und then proceeded to address her to this effect I "Kittle," ho said, "ynu onn'l never wear trousers." llo paused, npparuntly to lot his words take their full cfTcvA ' Kittle," ho continued, "you ain't never havonioustiicho" Hu paused ngalti and lot this ditMulfiil an nounccmentln Us turn oat inl.i his bIsU-i'h soul; theb bo brought out tliodiinna: with ntriumphnnt tin III in his voh-o moro elt quotit than nny wonls could have born "Kittle, you ruin novcr lw a man no-howl" no-howl" Poor, small Kltltn, overwbolined by thoso succosslvo stnloinoiils, of wlncb sho com prehended tho import only as unmet hlug un. spenkably ilroadfiil, and took that from tho tone, probably, rather lliau from tho wonls, looked nt her brolhcrono ugoiilzcd inonipiit, nnd then gavo vent to her nngtilsh in one wild howl, which brouglit nurso from one direction nnd mnmina from another At eight of thoaudienco Klttio burst Into tears and lamentations piteous to behold, nnd when tho small Imy was icprouil foriaak-lng foriaak-lng his sister cry lfi. answer was: "Well, I Just told' her sho'd nlnnya got to bougirl, 'ciuso 1 thought sho'd bo dlsap pointed If sho got to bo llvo nnd couldn't havo on trousers." Thero seemed to bo nothing In particular which could bo said to this, and thoHilorn devoted themselves to assuaging thn grief of tho small girl lis well us they might, leaving tho boy to strut about lu his new trousers lu tho full consciousness of linvlii dono his duty to tho weaker vessel. |