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Show Sunday Service. Tho tisunl scrvlcca wcro held at tho meeting houso last Sunday Hishop Cutler presiding tho choir pang tho hjiun "Tho Spirit of God &.c." l'rnjer by Kldcr Clo.ites. Hymn, page 150, Sacrament Sac-rament administered by Klders S. Km-pcy Km-pcy mid (leorgo Comer. Bro. l'eter CliriGtoflvrmn was the llrst ep?akcr. 'Ho gate n very interesting account ofOils'nork ainnng.thu I.aman-itea I.aman-itea in Arizona and Mexico, where ho traveled for Homo time with I'ics. Woodruff, Wood-ruff, and others. Kxplalned many of their curious manners and customs and told of thu Mexican customs duties and what trouble pcoplu there were often put lo through their Ignorance of theco laws. llishop Cutler, "was tho next speaker mul said ho noticed tlio Tnbunt had stated that ho had recently run for oflice, but had been beaten, which waB something some-thing tie was not awiiro of as he had uol taken any prominent part in the late X)liticnl move. HpcU of 11 letter hu had recently leeeivcd fiom S. It. Thurmaii who Is at present tailoring ua a missionary mission-ary in Imglaud. lie clijnjcd 11 gooil spiilt, mid will doing soiuu good, but was Kiitleriug it little frtitn ill health. Wc should nil consider oiirseltes in mis-sioiuuiu", mis-sioiuuiu", mid work foi the (.tospel from thu time wu join thu Church. Told of an Australian lady who had lived n good Latlerday Halnt in her native lountry for L'G je.irs, but when she fame hero the people weru not as she thought they Miould lie, so shcbee.iuiudl'witisliidiind went back again. Slio did not icoiii to realiru Hint we weru mortal, and liablu to err. Wo often hear of tho good old times and Hitinla should hatu good time?, (or wo are or should lie superior to thu world as wo enjoy mori privileges. Woc.111 liac the tin sent before us and thu futuru revcnled to us. Itevelation is moro neccKsniy now than ever. The people heru were taking in too many vices. Wo are it people of extremes and when wo enter 11 thing we do it in earnest. In nil these things wo should liecnieful and not enter as tho world does, but ii'incinbe'r woaro4irctlircnand sifters. Amadrt Olsen, nud Andrew Littlefurd, joined tho ward. Singing, and benediction pronounced by Win. Southwick. |