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Show Aslt Your Fricinls. Ask vour friends who h.no taken llood'H Sarspnrllla what theylhinkof it, and tlio replies will 1m positivi' in its favor. Ono has been lined of indigestion indiges-tion nml dyHciia another limW It iudis pciimhlo for slik headache, olhcrnm-nort olhcrnm-nort lem irk.ible 1 urea of ucrofuhi. s.iH rhiiciu nndothir blood diseases, still othcniulll tell ou tliat it overcomes "thnt tired fcfclinp," and so on Truly, the best iidvcrti8iiig which HoodnSir-saparilhi HoodnSir-saparilhi rncives is the hiarty endorsement endorse-ment of the army of friends it lias won by its positive medicinal merit. |