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Show i- NEIGHBORING NEWS III A Grand Time at The III Lake Resort. BJ VISIT OP THE- I.HIII BAND, II Mr. Holey Tells About the I Canyon Mines. R I TiiF.np. ttas n grand time at llio beniiti- Hk I (ul Hathlng mid Ilo.ttlut? lienor! under Hi I the. management of Amoroso & Adims, ' I on Tuesday. Tin) 1'rtebj terinns were H there tn viauf, and Mr.Ainhroso savs It HI ' mi one of iho grandest succeiTs lie linn Hi H" had tills season. On Wednesday the H ' W. 8. A. ttcro thcro In force from early H noon till late In tho etenlnp, and spent HJ I nu cnjoyiihlc lime. Tlioro in to liu an- Hi I other (jrntnl ilnncu on Satuuloy evening. Hj They ask everybody to bo present ami Hj I spend a pleasant otcnlng. Thomanngc- Hj I mciit gives Bpcclnl attention tostriiiigcrs HH I from tho surrounding settlements, H Tliure h expected to !o an excursion 1 from lliti);lianio( Beeral Inuulrcil pcojilu HJ Mr. AinliKHO w IhIioh to wen IiIh p.itronn from I.tlil, Alpine, and Hj l'leasanl (tfou prencnt on thlrt oions- P; Ion. It is expected early next wcek.liand 1 lilllauill bo distributed in the aliotu HJ liumedKcttlementH aniiouiioiiiK the fnct. M TliuHtcumer from I'iomi will lw present HJ to tnko pirt in d.iy'rt pleasure, nl"0 HJ .lolinton fc Innliaid'a y.nlit lias bicu HJ nicely lilted up and visitors It in wort li HJ) ti visit to nee liuw this uiuguillcent boat HJ' lidcfloer the nntci. Hj Tiik intinliitnnts of Ameiicnn I'oik HJ ".o rutlicFkntoiiIslied to Bet' ushered B '""' into tlio city In torchlight procession B J" the I-chl Silver land in thciripivuig. Bj on. A great concoiirHe of peopuTcoiH H gregatcd on tho streets to listen to their HHJ iiiuilc. They had n lamp representing their mission h iiwakcnlng tho people H up to tako part in tliN opportunity which so Hcldoni is to lualtnincd at B it such n figure for n pleasure trip, 76c. HWj1 tV'ipg the fair for a distance, Koing and HJ I coiiii.c homo of near (Ui miles from Hint Hl heautitiu- health icsort Castilla Hot Hil springs. bclioo it will be well HS i.iiinnl7iil. Tlinlj.inil'aannearunro wiw HI iiHiidsomu and their music delightful. Ll In the Holey niino this week thojork- H men mi(laituo1iiJr aiifablf hlrlkTrom1' HHJ ing on a two foot eiu of galena. HHJ Wo s.iw u chunk uf this ore. which had H been brought down from this mine. HH Mr. Chipmau had n look at it, and t-nid HH' 1u had ntwnR thought tills iiiiuo woulil Hf turn out well. Mr. Holey expects to fur- H ther develop it and Is starting ten more H' inen.Tlicro is no doubt this property iau HJ, valuable one, and is sure this season to H iiiiiko l.irgo ehipmcuts. Wo sincerely HB; hope Mr. Holey may be rewarded for his H i elforts. HB """ Dr. Aiidi.kmaii states that during his BHi practice in tills part of the Territory ho BBJjl does not remember of treating for nor- BBTiV ouh piostintion through thu extrcnm BBJan heat moio cases than ho has dono this BBJ,ML Kiimiuorand every ono with success ns ! L; yet. Wo notico in (lie daily paper that m in New York ami other places tho heat B Is unparalelled mid thero is icported B many dentil through tho s.imo ciuiso. BBJ"'B A, m. Dams who fitted up the inino BH 'B machinery ul thu Muicur Mill, hiiB been BBJ 'B for 601110 timo prospecting in Ashley , mining district Uintah, bejoud the BBJ . Bj Indian Heservatlon he lias uiado n locn- BBJiH tiou there, and says, it is as lino a piece BBJ H of mining property as he has sien, only BBJ jH it wants railway accommodation to HJ H inako it 1 jH Ma. lIoi.iivw'Arishavingttgrcatclear- HH ing s.ilu just now. Wo believe he is HA going out of thu Diy goods hiisluesi BjB to great extent and going to extend his HBJBfl growing (irocery ImihIiiosh, wtiicli hu has HBJMJ) much greatci demand for. BBJBjl Wi: uotiiu it grand oxcuisiou via tho BHBV KioCiraiido. Western on Augiist i:.', aU BBBB1 thu lowest ititcH uter made. Tickets BBpJinL goulforonu week only 1. fiom l.ehl. K to .Salt Lake, l'arlics tratellng on this BBVH toad and wishing to hate two hours BHaP longer to wait if visiting (iatlicld can Jl only hatu it 011 this road, BBBfc'l Mil. John 8iihi,i. had delitried to 10 lit in thU week it wagon load of apples, BBB4BJ from l.elii to bd put through his mill for HHHLn iMil.ir or iuear. Ho wivri lio will HwK ho euiploed now uountanrly at IiIh eider hHk Hk Mil. .losnrii II. Ki.KMuiir, n! American HBM5H I'ork has contiactid (orwiiiie lorgehuild- BBBXA in 'h in 1'ioto, which lio is now coiihIiuc- BBVlH ling mid wu learn hu is llguiiiig for t BBSS the new hotel at picscut underbids, BBHW O11TI111ra1l.1ymoruingM11.il. Ittrr-B BHVllj went In thu Minjso nmcltcis to hate BBBKB mi oswiv of Meveial pieecH of ote fiom BHBKK dilTeieiit piiN)i:eU near JrcUon's Mill. BBBbB lie liitcuiltftl also lo tk'it Salt Lake. Hl Tiik oxcunion 011 Satuiday to C'.istellu 1 which wo lufgned to in another para- BBBBT graph wiin well patiouizcd. Homo of BBVBk, principal cltUons being pieveut. HR Wr. was iiiforuuil by n drummer BBBB1 Weiliictdny tliat hu had eloaed 1111 onhi HfK with Mr. . las. Cliipmau and IheCoup. BBBTB r, , uc thouvaud chiwts of lea each. Hjm' i;. ll.ltoi.m'fl miuu is still nhnwiug HaS tipwKll. It piomiie to Imn licli pro- B M M S Mu. Wnu-Acccit loft a fine ro.t this B jH week (liiough the blonl. HHJ 1 Bj |