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Show nt-MARKABLE YOUNOSTER3, A dov In Washington stalo caught fifty-four wild pigeons with ono kwoop uf his net. llAi.riMORK claims to havo a boy of fifteen who can speak clovon languages. lan-guages. The youngest traveling salesman In IlllnoU is in the employ of a drug house nt Qutucy. Ho Is thirteen, A UTILE boy of (lordon, On., was re ccntly promoted to tho head of his class by the teacher for his orglnallty In spelling spell-ing tho word cat (i-u-n-t-t-o. A K AS 9 as boy enrned a nice Illble. by committing 1,000 verses to memory, nnd then ho traded his Illblo for n shotgun, and he accidentally shot his aunt in tho leg- A LlTTtr. boy from North East, JId., whllo visiting his grandmother iu Chester, Ches-ter, fell asleep on tho lloor nnd rolled under tho bed. llcforo ho louppcared tho pollco wcro scouring tho town for n mlsklng boy. . |