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Show - ANECDOTE OF PH. HUSH. The I'onrr Willi WMcli llrimny Asserts V - Itselr In Our Merp, Dr. Hush was, (icrhaps, ono of tho most untiring students that ever lived, wij tho New York ledger. Tivojuung phisiolnua wero conversing In his presence oner, nnd ono of them said! "When I lluished my studies " "When you lluished your studios I" nnld tho doctor, nbruptly ; "why, you must bo n happy ninn to havo llulihod so young, I do not oxpoct to llulsh mine whilo I llvo " .,-. 1 ho writer onco asked him how he hod been nblo to collect such nn Immense amount of information and facts as his pub. licationsand lectures contained. "I havo beou enabled to do It,-' ho replied, "by econ oinUlugmytiinonsMr iVcnloy did. Ihnvo not spent ono hour In umusi ment in thirty joarB " And Inking Hamuli note book from his pocket, and shovt lng it to me, hotiaM. "I till such a book as this onco n week with observations and thoughts which occur to me, and facts collected In tho rooms of my patients, and thoso are all preserved nnd used." -- ay i 1 onco heard tho doctor rolato tho fol lowing dream, to show that tbo memory sometimes exerts itself moroipoworfully In our sleeping thnn In our waking hours In onlllngup things that havo been forgotten i A gentleman In Jersoy, of largo property, had pruvided lu his will that bis wife, la connection with neighbor, should settlo bis estate After his death, In fulfilling Ihn intentions of his will, n certain Importunl, pnpnr, which could not bo dlspcnsod with, was missing. Repented and diligent search was made for It, butlu vain. 1 bo widow at length dreamed that tho said papor was in tbo bottom of a barrel In Uio garret, cover cov-er od wllh a number uf books. Tho dream mado so strong au Impression on her mind that sho was Induced to lunkoau (-xuiuliin tlou, und thcie, to her iistoulslimunt, slid fouud tho paper. Tho doctor's explanation wus thut no supernatural agency had boon employed, but that during tho abstraction of all uxternul objects and Impressions from tbo senses in tho sleeping slate, tho memory exerted Itself with nn InteuscncsH Hint it could not do in tho wukliigstato. He supiKMcd Hint her husband had informed her nt somo timo of tho situation of this 1'Mpor, nnd that tho fact had become dor mint hi her memory until tho d renin called It uu. asj?.AiMuBAifS2uih'wtfiftaE |