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Show RAILWAY MATTERS. 1 1 keeps three lurge Cliiengu factories busy to manufacture thu locomotive headlighls mid ralhu.id hiulcriiH that me used hi this country. The factories facto-ries ijlvo employment to 1,100 men and boys. An Italian engineer has oilgiuatcd a system bv which he pro) e-n to ullllzo the power of tiiiinsrunnhigdovtii grade. He hnu ieifirti'il it machine for pom-premilii!' pom-premilii!' ulr iih the I ruin goes down gnide, which enn he used to actuate 11 motor at the will of the engineer, and lie used lo assist the locomotive on up grades Tin; largest loeoinotlvo ever made weighs neatly one hundred tons, and wits recently turned out by the Ilald-win Ilald-win liKoinotltn works, Philadelphia. It has live palm ot driving wheels, the fitelxii i-. 1 levi n feet long, and is guur-nitleeit guur-nitleeit to haul seven hundred and sixty tons up a grade one hundred nud live feet to the mile. An expeihnuut has been made on n railroad between Koine and l'ra&catl with 11 new combustible prepnrcd from Ugiiite, licit deposits of which have Ihiioi fnniitl to llnK. Of llin ni.iv fm,1 tlirco hundred and nlxty-sevcn ltilo-4psatrut ltilo-4psatrut did ,Uiui vt.orU oL thrcmhundrcd hilograuiK of coal It Is thought tho discovery will obviate the necessity of 'inporlinjr coal |