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Show I'arly fur nf llcll. Tho uso of bells in places devoted tn religious purposes is ory ancient, dating dat-ing manv centuries before the I In 1st Inn era. In China, long before the time uf Christ, bells were hung nt the temple gate, and the woishlpcr on cuteiiug iun them to nttruct the ntt-nlion uf the dolly ho was about to honor. Bell . were i.umiuou hi India ut the time of I'llny. nud It I. bclli-ved that they cam" Intu Ihirup.) In tho first or second century. cen-tury. They were llmt u.cd uuthri. llaii cliurches A. I) 100. In Noli, Mai-. . not so much to give notice uf th time of worship us from nn idea thut theli music diuvo uway evil splill-. nnd pio-tected pio-tected tlio people of tho parish from thunder und lightning. |