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Show Newspaper Lav. 1 SulihcriU'rHwhoilonotglvooxpiess notiio lo the contrary nro cuiibMuiciI ns wishing toienow their siibsirlptioiis. 1! If HiibjcrilierM order the disioiitin-nance disioiitin-nance of their periodical, thu publisher may continui) to bend them null lull ai renrages nre paid, II If BllbsirlhciH neglect or leftiso to tnke tho poriudlauls from thu post-olllcc tu wIiIlIi tliey nro directed, tlu-y nre io-sK)iisihlo io-sK)iisihlo until they h.no settled their bills mid oulereil them discontinued 4 If subscriber movo toother places without informing the publisher, and the pa pen are scut to (he former address theymc held lorjiousihle. r Tho courts have ihnJM that it-fiifiug it-fiifiug to take prrioiicnlsout of the post' ollheor remuvlriK mid le.ning them 1111-ealled 1111-ealled for, primA facie evidence of iuteii tiou.il fraud. II If subscriber pay in tidvnuco they are bound logive notice ut the end of time if they do nut wish In ooiitiuiiG taking it, otherwise the puhlither is authorized tu Mind it mid thu sulifcriher will lie lospindhle until in expros notice willi piHilent of nil uiioniilgcH, is Hi'nl to the puhlishar. |