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Show H LAST YEAR'S PROGRESS. WE Tlil.i week tliu 1'ruvn imperii piililUlicil H u Rtntctiicnt nf llic i nl tin t r lit 1 mid com M incicl.il ciinilltimi of Utnli County for M tliu yenr cihHiik; Pcicmlicr 31, 181H), ttk- M en (ttmi tlio ii'imit ut county Ann'twor fl Jan. I!. Hull, nf SpriiiKvillc. Wo luivo H -""'"" not npaco to kIvc tlio nlmlu ol the re- H otl lint will nivo huiiic of It im inont of H tlio cillrcna mo iinxion to know of tlio H nilviUH'i'innit of tlio i on nty nml how wo H lire growing. H No. ofncien under cnltivntlim tinting H lfi'.KI, 10,11)5; No. ofmrvHirriKittrd, :W,. H (18(1; No. of iiciert under enclotmru for H l.inturc, 1(1,1X18. H I.l(jit llioueiind goven liundrrd nnd H KCcntyRot'ii lU'H'nof wlient produced, B lK,'.MO,rD0 iHMiinU; ,1,110 iicres of oats HH produced,, l,nii,i,'Jl imjuihIh; '.',17.1, M ucrcs of corn produced 'J,nV2,H07 H pounds; i,2Ji ncrc-H of bnilcy produced M 'J,:W,"0O HiumtH; "0.1 ncirit of rta pro- B IiichI, :i,'J15,10 ihiiiihIh; 11,320 hitch of B lutcruo produced, tH),(U2,350 pounds; H 7,51,0 ncrcs of liny puidmed, 21I..UI.I.0I) H iiounds; l,l83 mi en of potatoes produced H 17,0L7,0I0 pound; 2S1, bitch of beets H prixliiccd llO.lCJO pounds; 1,2W ncrc of M orclinr'ds prudtucdll.OOI.B.'iO ikuiu1b; 117 B ucrcft of viiicyiiidn produced lM.WU HH pounds ; fiCiO ncres of otlicr products pro- HP duccd 11,782, I0.r) pottudH m There lius been produced in Utnli H county for 1800, 11,520 gallons of wine, H W,r!)7 pillions ol cider; 8,IW)3 gnllons of H vincgur ; (1, 170 unllons ol eorglium , 'M, H lt0)ounds of butter ; 10,37-' jiounds of r ' c'Iiccbv; :ill,000 iund of honey; rt8,022 , iiotilids of apples; !!,038 pounds of B pcncliea ; GO pounds apricot ; 757 pounds K pluiin; 'J02 pounds of pcura; t,0lK) lilvcs F of Ivvn. 1'Jiere lind iilso Len fliorn H -,2,S,r10,S iHiiindH of ool, H On I)ccuinlcr:tlst, 1801 tliorc wcro in H the ruling 1,100 milch comb. (!,ii:i cnt- H i li, ."i,H3i liorseR, 100 iiiuIch, 1! asics, .31, H l7liocp, 4 kohIs, 1,053 mvlne over 0 M i intliM H Aiiioni? uihcr things ( llnd that each H i ,u .iinl nly is taken up Hi.untoly H ' nwing Uj pnnjriHH nml pnupeiity and i ii'iii'MMiiK Hk'iii wo were pluaacd to H tlhctliiU 1 1 In hoi lipid the front lank H ! iiiH liccn 2iiiiii)r and iinpioving ns H i1 and in uinti) cases fustcr than out H ' iahhorK In tho countiy. lUlow wu H K'tUe ropy ol tho rcpoit nf I.chi; B UM. HjHnt tK,(,oo in prlvnlu nnd H 1.800 hi public lmildiiiKH IiihI year. M There Aiort) four indiiKtiial concerns H opcialimt thcic, with sixteen hnuds cm- plfycil, to whom 2,W,l) In unue.i uem W kUiI. Tho value of tho plants wcie H 1',160. Tho value of tho raw- material H wna$l,40, auiouutiiiK to 1),'J50 pounds. H Tho vuhiv of tho annual product was H Sfl.OSO. Nutiilicr of liorno jiouei cm- H ploel In lunuiiiK tho plants of three H induutrles was thrco,(iiud u capital in H euted of f3,llK. Tlieiu wcro live stores H in U'hl, with a capital of Kl.oOO. The H umoiiiit of B.ilcs for the year weio 152, H 100. Thirty liniida weio employed, to H whom fl7,ll!2 wero imid. Tho popula- H tion of held is l',X)0. H We do not hesitato in sayinir that this H repoil, good as it is, will fall far Milnd B tho one that will bo cien next car. H Tho improu'iuuuts so far, for 181) I are H ahead of those mudo during any year H sluiu held was settled, and tho J cur In H not nearly ended yet. Uvery day wo H hear ieoitri of new buildings to be H erected or new industries to bo slatted. H All cities are now classified accoidlug H to their population and tills ilepcndii WM uihjh thu commciio nml industries of H tho cities. Tho cities of America are H noted foi their phuiiomeuical growth H and prosperity. Tlioio on tlio eastern H roast one most of their prosperity to H cjuiiucice, but they see tlio aihuntayo j of industiieri and inahy are being otnrted j in thoKo cities. It is n well-known fact H Unit indiHtik-H aie ngreatei benefit than H (omuierce, especially when these nro H bitn.ituil ho that their wares may be well H cliciiIutol. Shiny nf these. Inigocitiee H mo not ery fnoiablv bituatcd in the j matter of getting raw mntciials, but B when they aioouco begun tho obsthlee will booveicomo and t lie material pio- HI cured, Situated as we are, in the In- K teiinrof tho continent nw.iy from any WE liifKU body of water, we cannot enjoy M hiii'Ii coimueu'i.il advantages as they ff.;., haoon tho sea coast, as wodepoud on -jf&j tliuiaihoadsfortianspoitatioii. Though 'j5a vvo have this disadvantage, we are eilu- ri ,ltwJ ' ll l'lf tltnt is ery favorable foi Mm induilrlM uud thu large tract of mining Ea ' country furnish u maiket for the goods WR Tiii" I iiih Uen far famed no , peculiar WKl fan in,' I'uiintry, but it lias been kept WK ha 1. I .i'iho ihu furmors lme had to WE -' ! ''""' money for manufactures WE l' ' ' ' ' flimnwB low. H - iwal.en to new life nnd H 'i 'rleftgivotfiiiploymcut H ) . ..nil tiiiiH build up an ). iumil.il und limuienil center herein p mmmmmmmmmmmmm m this inland country that will compare, with any In the United Stater. During the past few months by having a very nccesinry industry started here, 1-ehl iidnmced very rapidly, and now wo liavu started, we do not menu to stop, but go on and build up n great city. This in n incnsuie shows the benefits of factories and as we havo tho greatest natural resources of nny country, wo must go on nnd establish moiti until not only Utah's market Is supplied, but also tho wlmlu of the west. Wo are ever ready lo co-operalo with tho friends and I'itkoui uf our prosperous city to seo that we get our nhnroof these thlngK, for wo havo ouo of the best lonitions hi central Utah. We are surrounded on nil sides by railroads which bring us in direct (oinuiiiiilcRtlon with nil parts of tho Territory nnd hncgood fertile farming farm-ing land around us, nnd nio connected by rail with some of tho best mines In tlio West. Theso are things that aro being notucd by tho uiouicd men and and as they generally know a good thing when they see it, they nru hncstlng inonej hero where, hi tho filtuio It Is lioiind lo bring n good reward. |