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Show A PRECARIOUS SUBSISTENCE. ,ThI iMliojayJJia.qlUoro( tliu Heater Clontan Invites subscriliers to pay up: "During thu last four )car wo hato-been subsisting 111 summer time on grasshoppers grasshop-pers and wild onions, in winter season on mow lulls and cedar bark, clothing our family in stink weeds tied together with anglo worms. As n rule wo rustle firewood in night time, when the elements ele-ments war and thick gloom covers tho skies. Wo arc a liberal patron of tho slaughter en, and trlpu ami tails and shank bones are never peiniittedtn fallen homeless curs and hairless coyotes; we linto free access to a patch of wild currants cur-rants and gooscberilcs on unsurtejed hinds ;j ct, notwithstanding all this our solid nourishment comes tousas mamma came to tlio childienof Israel, theic are 11 few luxuries that must ho bought Tako salt, for instance. Then, in the way of raiiimcut, onu is compelled to invest in-vest in it bit of hickory or lil 110 drilling dining thu cold snaps. TIicho things cost inAJiey." llx. |