Show A MERRY TIME KI having over the merry go round who owns th e merry go round that is the question that is being asked by thoss who have followed the cases 0 J G mars and richard strenuous actions to ra tain possession 0 the machine landed both in the police court one day this weela we elj claimed that the machine Is his mars had a like claim andrad instituted proceedings in the municipal court to the machine or the value of his equity in it now comes one henry russell of wells nov who claims that neither of th e awn owns the machine that it lg hla property and that he simply rent d the merry go round to mars and on basis mars has a suit pending in the municipal court that the ownership of the machine and although ohp defendant action had the papers in the case served upon him he started wednesday to remove thi attorney farnsworth representing of the bract that the machine was being removed and at once attached it city constable steele taking the machine into hla possession now through his attorney T R OC replevin ed the machine and the up over the property Is about complete |