Show FIRST WARD TAXPAYERS EXPRESS opposition but little interest Is exhibited in any other ward of the city from tuesdays standard the property holders of tho first ward were not particularly eager to obtain sewer bonds and therefore even the the bond issue were indifferent participants in the election held today the cause is easily traceable to the conviction that even though the sewers be constructed there would be an insufficient supply of water with which to flush them this opinion prevailed and early indicated a defeat of the proposition to bond in the first ward the ward most interested the greater number of votes were being cast fully two thirds of the total votes up until 2 being cast in that ward in the other wards judging from the number of ballots cast there is but little interest manifested in the election although ane result affects directly every taxpayer in the city carriages are not being used to any extent except in the first ward and there only by women who judging from the conversations overheard were opposed to the issuing of the bonds the vote in the wards up until 2 p m was first municipal ward of city hall 71 votes second municipal ward aa nelson and fells livery stable 18 votes third municipal ward at moores store 1266 washington avenue 11 votes fourth municipal ward at court house 39 votes fifth municipal ward at fifth ward amusement hall 35 votes in all up to 2 p m thre were votes cast in the various wards |