Show mobs attacked the police and many are san juan P JL aug 2 As an outcome of the longshore mens strike for an increase of wages to 25 cents an hour which has been in progress or a month the greater portion of san juan was under control of a mob between 7 and 9 last night the mob of which there was about 1000 persons dug up paving blocks and stones and with thesa and other missiles rushed through the streets fighting the police who were armed with rifles and fired scores of shots but mostly in the air one person was killed and there ara forty injured in the hospitals three or tour of whom mar die at 8 0 clock while the main polica force was engaged with the rioter sanja other mob mainly composed of young men and boys threw stones agthe arc lights in the main streets with the result that nearly the entire city waa in darkness all night at 9 tha mob sought refuge in a disreputable district in which there was no police this district however waa surrounded by the police and mounted squads patrolled the city for the remainder of the night at midnight the police who numbered only had the situation under control reinforcements are expected today the rioting was preceded by intermittent disturbances which however were not serious corruption IN MISSOURI story in court of the alum deal jefferson city mo aug 2 tha taking of testimony was begun in the trial of senator frank H farria on the charge of bribery senator E B dowell of labelle testified concerning the organization organisation of the senata in 1801 and the appointment of committees by aleut gov john A lee as president of the senate mr dowell was a member of the criminal juris prudence committee former gov john A lee was then called to the stand lea testified that senator farris cama to hla room in the rear of the senate chamber during the legislative session of 1901 and said that the house and senate bills tor the repeal of the law pro the use of alum in the manufacture of baking powder could ba smothered in committee later far ala came to him he and said tha bius would never bo reported from tha committee tor tho sum of making 1000 for ach member of the committee on criminal jurisprudence except senator dowell who waa not in the deal lea tosU fiod that faibis asked him to refer the matter to D J kelly of new york and that he wrote a letter to kelly informing him of parria suggestion kelly telegraphed him to communicate with him kelly over the long distance telephone and he did so attorneys for the defense objected to this conversation being repeated judge dails sent tha jury from tha room and the attorneys on both sides argued the point the arguments continued until the noon recess SAN PEDRO concessions southern pacific Is to act in friendly manner san francisco july 2 senator darks salt lake los angeles railroad thanks to E H harri mans halt interest in the prop erty Is to get freight con sessions cessions ces in southern california from the pacific company this esthe alual of the conferences between by of of the two roads which have been going on in this city for the past two days and have come to a conclusion this concession by the southern pacific means assuring to the dark load of thousands of dollars which it loyld otherwise have had to expend tor switching tracks anda freight warehouses of Us own |