Show DAY AT 0 august 21 st is day set apart as ogden day who will be there the commissioners of the fair want to know immediately the mayor requested to bs there in person or send a deputy mayy i ard aiso to furnish program from thursdays standard august Is OGDEN day at the worlds fair at portland mayor glaesmann Gla emann wants all those who will be in portland at that time to send their names to him immediately the commissioners ners want to know if the people of ogden are to have a meeting at the utah building on that day as the administration band has been set apart to serve ogden on august it the mayor cannot attend in person be will appoint some one to represent him in portland on ogden day and utah day the latter day will be august who will be in Po rind august to august let the mayor know at once write or telephone do it quickly it a program tor ogden day is to be arranged it must be done at once the program for ogden day must be in portland by the ath of this month in order to geff into the official program of which copies are issued overy day this can be made quite an advertisement tor ogden do not wait but notify the mayor at once it you cannot find him telephone your name to the standard examiner office since writing the above the mayor has arranged with prof jos ballantyne that all those who are going to portland to the irrigation and trans mississippi congress or who will be in portland on monday august to be at the tabernacle tonight at 8 sharp and attend the choir practice and prepare a program tor ogden day |