Show say would be homesteaders were registering at rate of a thou sand an hour from wednesdays standard some who had journeyed to prove to register for the land bof the reservation returned hona last evening and stated that they had been agreeably surprised with tho remarkable rapidity with which tie registering was absing conducted ot the party who went to prova aster ys ter day morning went prepared to remain several days all of proved to be unnecessary s it Is stated by one of vho aho returned here last evening the notary publics were scatter edall about the streets having for an office simply a bablo standing by the htide ot tha roadway and that at one of the registry offices people were beang registered at the rate of per hour and that there were two of these offices which on the above basalt would turn out 1000 per hour the gentleman giving the above information stated that tn his opinion ibe whole number at brovo trovo to register would be by the time the registering offices closed last evening he further stated that even the hotels of the pace were not crowded and that those who had tents set up for deping le ping tor the expected crowd alm ply bad a losing proposition barnum bailey s circus bat provo yesterday and it is reported that the wind wa so high that it was necessary tor the show people to low w some of tbell canvas to prevent its being blown |