Show GERMANS WATCH BRITISH germany and great britain are not on the terms of amity that mean san b lulng peace I 1 here are many diner feces arising between the nat loris may eventually bring war the projected cruise of the british fleet in tabe baltic has greatly irritated the lanti brulah section of the germans abo arc raising the claim that germany has a right to exclude foreign warships from those waters the protest la mainly aroused by the reference tp the baltic in the british announcement of the cruise as an open sea the an influential conservative organ in voicing the protest proclaims germanas germanys Germ anys displeasure at what abe paper describes as manifestly adaval demonstration connet edwith the keisers kaisers Kai sers cruise and the german naval visit to sweden and Den marta it fays the german press may claim tho right to raise the question at least theoretically how tar national interests and national defense permit the baltic to be used for such purposes as abe open sea nobody thinks of ro atri cUng the right of arco there tor peaceful trade but it is another question whether this principle of theolen the open door can bo upheld for foreign navies which may combine with their appearance aggressive objects england bases her measures there solely on the idea of her general supremacy on the aea and of her monopoly like sovereign position in all tle wafers of the world in consideration of the interests of countries bordering on the baltic for which it may easily bacomo a vital question the time has come tol make tbt baltic a mare clausum for foreign warships to close it entirely to their incalculable maneuvering neu vering projects |