Show warren now comes forta as quite an important factor in th matter of irrigation having decided to establish another pump which wil increase their water supply to two and halt feet or more than any other part of the county it is also stated that this point is especially adapted for the location ot a four mile reservoir which could be built with but very little work and that such a reservoir would be able to draw sufficient water that t never could be pumped dry the distance from the river to the warren ditch is but fifty feet and it Is claimed that this fact indicates that but little expense i would be attached to the pumping at water for such a dam it ie also stated that from to acres of land could ba placed under cultivation in that district it such a reservoir was built this of course would mean a number of additional dit ional pumping stations but the expense would be quite small as coin with other projects of ita size in the district court monday afternoon john doe aged three months was adopted by J J hutzley and victoria bloker thice years of age was adopted by thomas hemmings |