Show YELLOW FEVERS RECORD new orleans august is the yellow fever record up to 6 p m new cases 42 total cases fo date deaths C total deaths to date as new foci 4 total foci to date 5 the days record showed a continued improvement so tar as the new foci ts concerned and with no secondary infection from any of the is regarded as hopeful the large number of new cases largest yet reported in single day shows that tertiary infection among the panic stricken people on the original district disappearing which is to be expected one of the new cages is on jackson evenna in the residence district and the victim has returned recently from his summer vacation on the coast ANOTHER CARBON COMPANY cleveland ohio aug 1 th aw dealer today says als the national carbon company known as the carbon trust will soon have a company with immense financial backing it developed yesterday that rockefeller interests are behind the united states carbon company which soon will be financed with a capitalization close to for more than a year the local concern has been closed down about one month ago however the property was bought up by martin B daly general manager of the east ohio gas company a well known rockefeller corporation po ration the plant is now being over hauled at an outlay of it will be turning out carbon products by september 15 it was said officially i yesterday burton P foster manager of the company eaid that in addition to the plant here branches will be establish ed in the natural gas belts of ohio and a mammoth organization will be built up rapidly to compete with the national company air daly U now abroad but will return august 15 and immediately thereafter the will be begun the company will be organized reorganized re and will probably be given a new name among other condl alons mr foster admitted that Rocke capital is interested in the company and spoke optimistically of the future of the company about to bo formed he aid that one carbon customer has already been secured that will net a year to the concern he also in that various lighting plants and electrical concerns will throw enough patronage to the new organization to insure tor it great progress mr foster said that the new company will be as an inde pendent institution regardless of its backing and will have the distinction of being the only independent carbon company on american soil washington august 1 chief wll hie of the united states secret vice returned to washington today after an absence of three and a halt months mostly spent in china and japan on government business |