Show CONGRESS TO MEET tho extra session of congress ta convene on november 11 will have for consideration several proposed changes in the law providing for the construction of the panama canal if as decma probable the plan of construction shall have to be changed so as to provide for a gea lencl there will bb more or less delay in the consideration of this matter and a practical suspension ol 01 work until it shall bs definitely settled this delay will check further expenditures under the spooner act and prevent issus of the canal bonds which have been relied upon to provide pledges tor new bank note circulation that may become necessary through the exhaustion of the available supplies of the consola ot 1900 if congress ahall decide to require purchases of material for the canal to be obtained in athla country alone legislation indirectly affecting the tariff will be avoided but the cost of such material will be greatly enhanced because 0 domestic purchases and if a sea level waterway water way shall be determined upon much larger ampro forthe work will have to bo authorized authorised than were contemplated under the existing law therefore increased expenditures wilf contribute to an enormous distribution of money among our manufacturers of material and contractors for supplies incident to the operations on abc canal if congress shau bo legislate as to prohibit the importation of alien labor and it consequently when sanitation of the canal zone shall be perfected native workmen shall be employed our surplus thereof will be transferred to the isthmus the demand tor laborers in country may be in excess ot the supply and unless immigration ot the non prohibited classes shall be largely i increased wages will be high one de that may result from the precipitation of the questions incident to canal construction into congress at the will be the fact that the interest inthe in the of these matters wl be so paramount that other questions such as those relating to rate legislation and regulation ot corporations po rations will be regarded as of minor importance |