Show r report circulated that a collision had occur i red is Denied Telegraphers baim frei y traffic is st paul aug 3 of the difficulties result lne from the telegraphers strike Is reported today iy ay both the great northern and northern pacific railways 1 and especially by the northern pacific officers of the telegraphers union on the other hand declare that the two roads are almost without operators the passenger trains ae delayed and that freight traffic is paralyzed the most tangible evidence of improvement pro in the northern pacific Is the announcement made to shippers today that the embargo on perishable freight had been partially raised and that the company was willing to accept such shipments for stations between st paul and minneapolis for fargo N D and all stations on the manitoba division between winnipeg junction and winnipeg man the great northern which on yesterday would take perishable shipments for only a few large stations announced today that it would take shipments for all stations it the shipments were made at owners risk charges prepaid pre paid both the northern pacific and the great northern express companies are in effect refusing perishable shipments except to large stations where the companies maintain exclusive agents DENIES COLLISION st paul aug 3 reports of a collision on the northern pacific railroad on account of the strike of the telegraphers on that system are untrue according to general manager horn 1 I had james N D on the telephone this morning said mr horn and if there ws a headon head on collision there ab nb one knows anything about it our overland train which is one ot the trains reported to have bebenin the headon head on in on time this morning showing that if there wasa collision it did not do any damage or delay traffic the facts are that our north coast limited which was running behind the burlington limited will come into st paul on time today which is even a better record than we hope to make until there is no strike on our time freights are running and we expect to have some locals running on some of our divisions today we have sent out from this division about twenty five agents who will go to points affected by the strike they are men whom we have examined and who are fully capable of handling our business this will enable us to handle perishable freight it will take a day or two to get things running but I 1 think we will be able to show the public some extraordinary features in running trains without operators with perfect satisfaction to the traveling public we expected to have to meet those rumors of collisions and blockades we have much to contend with in the way of cut wires and misplaced signals but are coming out all right and in a day or two we will not know there is a strike on our lines we have lions for positions from all parts of country OPERATORS RETURN TO WORK y minot N D aug 3 during the last eighteen hours ther ehlTs been i big Improve menla the telegraphers strike un the melnot division of the great northern railway twelve operators have returned to world about 48 per cent of the stations be tween and grand forks are in working order all branch lines on this division are running as usual more freight was handled west of melnot today than during the past week passenger train no 5 from the east was one hour late and no 2 from the west was 45 minutes late assistant general superintendent dails is much elated over results and says more operators will return to work today there are about seventy strikers on the melnot division they are orderly and have done no damage to railroad property OPINIONS OF JEWS on the rejecting of british offer ot land new york aug 3 interviews with leaders in the zionist movement gathered by special correspondents attend ing the zionist congress which closed yesterday at baele switzerland are published today by the jewish morn ing journal attorney of warsaw leader of the seceding zionist declares that the majority of the original congress did not represent the anter casts of the jewish nation and adds A great mistake was made in re fusing the land offered by the english government as a site for a colony jt woul have been the beginning of a movement ahat would have hail worldwide significance and would have made a haven where persecuted jews have taken refuge dr cyrkin a radical said we intend to conduct the new zionist party on democratic principles and the new organization will be completed along the lines originally planned for the old zionist party we will establish a central committee in paris with branches throughout world israel zangwill tha author said abo rejecting of the english offer it it had been agreed to by the majority of our people would have been the death blow to practical and would have reduced the movement to a chase of phantoms zionism will be rescued by the herrl torla lists who have abandoned the original movement and have organized a new movement that Is bound to be crowned with success |