Show engineering FEAT APPEALS TO RAILROAD MAGNATE party made but brief stop in ogden and was silent on pending railroad matters from tuesdays standard the harriman special train consist ins of seven cars passed through ogden three times yesterday and at no time was a stop made exceeding fifteen minutes the special left for monida shortly after 7 last evening en route to yellowstone park after a trip over the ogden lucan cutoff the party consisted of a number of prominent railroad men in addition to sir harriman who was accompanied by his family the special which spent sunday night at granger arrived over the union pacific at 1202 noon and was run direct to salt lake without malting a stop here the train arrived al alon at 1250 leaving there again at 3 for ogden and arriving here at 4 after a brief stop which was used to put quite a lot of supplies aboard the special backed out to lakeside where it arrived about G only a brief stop was made at lakeside also and the train reached ogden again shortly after 7 leaving in a few moments for the north general superintendent E buckingham went east as far as green river to meet the party and accompanied them here at salt lake general manager W H bancroft and superintendent in H V hillaker Hilll ker of the short line joined the party ia C manson superintendent of the salt lake division of the southern pacific was added to the party at ogden all of whom made the trip over the cutoff i mr harriman and party were extremely pleased with the cutoff cut off and so expressed themselves matters concerning the harraman Harrl man system were not discussed during the trip in this vicinity it is understood however that the matter of double tracking the union pacific between ogden and omaha Is now receiving serious consideration by the harriman people also the advisability of establishing a motor car service to handle the suburban travel out of ogden but neither matter was touched upon by the magnate during his visits here monday general superintendent E buckingham superintendents helliker Hll liker and manson left the barty upon the return from the cutoff cut off the former two returning to salt lake later in the general manager bancroft accompanied the train north |