Show giant cried when discovered by police new york aug 2 on complaint of his father alfred price a 15 year old boy iwho Is more than six feet tall and of manly proportions has been arrested the father declared that when he remonstrated with the young giant tor some action the boy demolished everything in the dining room threatened to fire the house and loudly declared that it a policeman attempted to stop him he would kill him 9 alfred ar dodging the flying glassware and china rap into the street and called a patrolman after n long search in the house the police found the erstwhile pugnaciously inclined youth hiding under a bed in his fathers room trying as it his heart would break when taken to the station alfreds feell ngi once more lacerated when he was turned over tc the childrens society MAYOR MISSING it paterson N J aug belcher 0 this city has not been seen nor heard from since yesterday afternoon and his friends fear he mav have committed suicide the mayor has been worried by the investigation ot certain collateral he bad given for loans and tho report by the stats banking de ahat on part of the collateral had forged |