Show illuminated shells to be used in target practice new york aug 1 eight battleships 0 the north atlantic fleet under command of hear admiral robley D evans sailed from their anchorage in the river today I 1 bound for frenchmans French mans bay on the main coast at 12 the maine missouri kentucky kearsarge illinois iowa alabama and massachusetts steamed down the rivet where the warships had been anchored several days while taking on supplies and preparing for night target with illuminated shells about french roans bay the white battleships formed the most powerful fighting figh tins squadron ever seen in new york waters except at tha dewey naval parade A powerful fleet of cruisers which arrived at about the same time ia still lying in the harbor during trip to frenchmans French mans bay which will occupy about three days squadron mw beuvers will be executed on leay ing the baythe bicet will divide into divisions the first of which will proceed to portland and the second to boston later the squadron will rendezvous off the isle of shoals chu coast end thea isit province ton and at the latter august to mial target practice in massa chu bay will follow educational conference richmond and aug bat tho friends national educational confer WHAT JAPAN WILL DEMAND new york aug 1 masujiro Nas ujiro editor of the bachl shim buno of boklo one ot the men officially accompanying komura tho japanese peace envoy gave out an interview in which he outlined what he declared to be the popular feeling in japan regarding peace terms my people feel that this is no time tor peace thatis th atIt Is too carly be said first we must get harbin and vladivostok for unless we get them we tear that by and by we shall have to fight again we must stop hesslan am botlon now once borall fo rall we dd not wish to fight the russians again once peace has been concluded 7 acon the question of indemnity mr said that the vety smallest sum bis people bwl lUng to consider was 60 the actual cost of sotar but that some demanded as aie him the people woul rt be satisfied a ath then sakhalin Sak halin must be ceded for two reasons he continued in first place it was exchanged by russia thirty years aso tor the archipelago but really belonged He longed all the time to japan ani it was only because japan was at that time afraid of russia athali the deal was assented to ence in session at Earl harm alleg ol leg the forenoon was devoted to a consid crathon of the educational situation among those who participate president charles E tebbetts whit tier college whittier |