Show WHAT 18 HYPNOTISM the denver news gives following editorial comment on suggestion which Is a nUion of that subtle influence called hypnotism who and what is hypnotizing you who are you hypnotizing and in what way I 1 these questions could well be asked of everyone the answer would be a disgusted denial in cases out of every 1000 that they had anything to do with hypnotism and yet there is no one who is not influenced in a way that only the laws of hypnotism can explain when a person is asleep under hypnosis or is in any other 0 the conditions produced by hypnotism the mind behaves most strangely it sees what it is told exists believes what it is told to believe acts as it is told to act all this is called the power of suggestion this power of suggestion acta with unusual force when the mind Is under hypnosis but it has great power at all times the positive thought and word of any person has grea influence upon those about him there are few persons who are not strongly influenced by others by some few people it not by all this |