Show DEATHS F YELLOW silt new orleans health authorities are of of passengers i j quarantined to get supplies at new orleans new cases to noon aug 3 none deaths to noon aug 3 2 total cases total deaths 81 at ship island quarantine six known cases four of which are convalescent in louisiana outside of new orleans and not including port 13 scattered cases mostly convalescent W shreveport la 1 convalescent at montgomery ala 1 conva at cumberton lumberton Lum berton miss 1 convalescent at summerall crall miss 1 case notwithstanding the increase in the number of deaths and new cases and the admitted spread of the disease in the past twenty four hours the yellow lever situation as compared with yesterday Is viewed with some assurance assur anca the amelioration of conditions between the authorities of mississippi and louisiana has done much to im prove the hopeful feeling and the imbroglio is now a closed incident gov arnor vardaman has forwarded definite instructions arto the gulf coast tor a better observance of with however a strict maintenance of the original quarantine mississippi has further relented to the extent of permitting the detention camp anthe louisville nashville railroad to be established at fontaina Fonta inc bleau where the camp was located during the fever of 1897 the camp at avondale for the of travelers bound west will be abolished as the texas authorities being de bained at echo am he texas lineas fast as the refugees are dismissed at avondale tasy will be taken 40 echo and there turned over to the texas officers where they will be held tor six days more there has been a gradual tightening of quarantine lines everywhere ith its attendant deterrent effects on business generally several localities refuse to accept mail until it has been fumigated and the prospects are they will receive no letters or papers tor some time two fresh cases of fever reached the ship island quarantine station on the gulf of mobile bay yesterday there aro several cases on the island b ut all are reported convalescent one new caseb developed today at alexandria la new orleans aug 3 concealment until the cases are almost hopeless and utterly inadequate treatment under the hands of a doctor are considered as partly responsible for the heavy mortality among the italians who have fallen victims to yellow fever it is said investigations have shown that heavy food like macaroni and cheese have been taken after the fever has attacked them that means almost certain death milk is the principal liet with alkaline waters and the juice of watermelon to work on the kidneys to allay nausea the doctors prescribe of ice to be dissolved in the mouth many of the italians die because they do not get this treatment until too late comparatively few outside of italian 5 have been attacked and some of these exceptions are already on the streets little the worse tor their illness the situation today continued to be viewed with something like optimism by the officials the public is warned not to be alarmed because the number of cases and deaths are more numerous than they were a week ago and the doctors are saying that for some time probably even with the most favorable progress there will be new cases and fatalities but so long as there is no infection in the modern section of new orleans that Is the large district which lies above canal street the doctors refuse to believe that there is any chance of the disease assuming a general epidemic form the excitement in the country districts seems to have grown more acute with the discovery of cases at other points in this connection the doctors here are disposed to question whether all the cases that appear can properly be traced to new orleans A whole trainload of passengers on the iron mountain road has been held up in concordia Concord la parish and will bo far removed from any tor somo time the passengers have been loud in their telegraphic protests to the railroad commission declaring that they have had neither food nor water and that nothing has been done to relieve them from a distressing situation efforts aro being made to move the train monroe la with fever onhree sides of her has put militia and armed citizens on every road leading into her ll Bilth new iberia la has put a curfew law into effect columbus miss has decided to guard infection by the use of many of the smaller towns are passing mosquito ordinances alexandria has completely bottled herself up but in order to ave herself and the parish from starvation she has permitted the running of a train thoroughly fumigated three times a week to bring in provisions and other supplies in order to aid those italians who arc still well to escape infection the authorities are making a large distribution of mosquito bars to poor families in mississippi the state board has issued an address to the people recommending om mending that all public meetings such as gatherings of lodges shall be discontinued tor thirty days while rigid quarantine Is in effect here dr W H brunner municipal health officer of savannah oa formerly of the marine hospital service who came here to investigate the situation in order that his board might act intelligently in the matter of quarantine has finished bis work here and started home today dr brunner in an interview said that there was not now any excuse for yellow fever ever spreading in the south there were early reports of two deaths at the emergency hospital and the prospect was that with numbers of serious cases rooted out yesterday by the inspectors there would be still more fatalities during the day no physical clash has been reported by the armed forces of louisiana and mississippi and there Is likelihood that good judgment will prevail and that hereafter there will be no tres passing by the people of either state the marine hospital service is gradually bringing about a better quarantine understanding with the authar idies in other states with the end of enabling the travelers to proceed to their destinations after due ae aside from procuring vigorous asani tary measures all the energy of the commercial public here is being devoted in an effort to educate the panic stricken people of the south that they are running no risk of infection through commercial intercourse with lew orleans jle and screen ang of cisterns went forward with great vigor and i NO ILL FEELING i Between the states of louisiana and mississippi cincinnati aug 3 the times star has received the following advises advices from governor vardaman of massis concerning the clash between his state and louisiana jackson miss aug 3 the much talked of conflict between the states of mississippi and louisiana so far as I 1 know is without justification in fact if the quarantine guards of mississippi have been guilty of indiscretion it has not been reported to me by the officers in charge of the guards and I 1 cannot believe that they have done anything wrong I 1 have instructed the guards to remain on mississippi soil and to be careful in the enforcement of the quarantine regulations ions promulgated by the mississippi state board of health not to do anything improper the intimation of an armed conflict between the states of mississippi and louisiana whose friendship has been BO cordial and of such long standing is absolutely ridiculous di to me I 1 shall not permit the quarantine guards or any other mis to violate the rights of louisiana or her people and I 1 am sure the honorable governor of louisiana reciprocates that sentiment signed james K vardaman governor |