Show five thousand strangers at grand junction seeking reservation Homes men t waited all night to enter drawing denver aug 1 advises advices from grand junction colorado and vernal provo utah indicate the work of registering applicants for homesteads in the uintah reservation J proceeding in an orderly manner the registration opened at 9 today and will continue tor twelve days thousands ot people are in lina at the registration places although early registration affords no advantaged to the applicants as the land will ba distributed by a drawing which will begin on august A dispatch from grand junction says that tully strangers have already arrived in that city most 0 whom intend to register and about men spent the night in line at the auditorium where the registration Is being held the first man in line was william of ouray colorado those left in line when registration ends at 6 each night are given tickets entitling them to their places in the line next day registering AT PROVO salt lake city aug 1 registration of applicants for land on the uini ah was begun at 9 this morning at provo price and vernal utah at provo registration were made at the parker school bouso and the proctor academy exactly applicants were in line at each place there disorder at price there were 17 registrations in the first fifteen minutes and the registration proceeded quickly and with no excitement |