Show telegraphers 0 n ahe great northern are not working st paul aug between the great northern railroad company and its telegraphers reached a climax today when nearly all the telegraphers on the fergus falls and breckenridge divisions af pf the roach quit their places the men claim it Is a lockout on the part of tha road because they will not accept the terms offered them the company claims that 0 per cent of the men are satisfied in a circular to its employed emp loyes tho company proposes a schedule of which it claims gives an increase to the men amounting to 20 annually the men on the other hand claim this increase amounts to only or annually for about a thousand men the men were asked in the circular to decide whether they wished to continue in the companas comp anys service and be governed by its new rules and regulations when the men refused to accept the proposition they claim they were at once discharged president perham of tho railway telegraphers union said today but one man has failed elsewhere they have gone out uniformly I 1 want to make it clear that this is not a strike but is a lockout A statement issued by the great northern says in part all of the points at issue between the men and the company have been satisfactorily adjusted with one exception this la a rule governing the payment of overtime at special rates for work in view of the tact that it has been impossible for the officers of the company and members of tho telegraphers committee to reconcile this difference it was decided to prepare a 0 rules and rates which with only this exception embodied concessions made to the committee copies of the new schedule and a list of the new rates of pay have been sent out to the various divisions tho men on the line being requested to signify their intentions as to acceptance without the concurrence of tho telegraphers committee the canvass of the telegraphers on the system so far made indicates that approximately 80 per cent of the telegraphers on the line are entirely satisfied with tho new schedule and rates lt Is expected there will bo no difficulty in maintaining a regular and satisfactory over the companas comp anys lines GOT AWAY WITH new york aug 1 money and jewelry valued at toll into the hands of expert cracksman cracksmen cracks men who yesterday opened a safe in the cigar store and billiard and pool parlor ot chas armbruster Armbrust cr co on third avenue the safe stood behind the cigar counter within ten feet of the door but no one saw tha burglary at work they escaped without leaving a clue covers from the pool and tables had been wrapped around the safe and prevented any one in the neighborhood from hearing the explosion NO YELLOW FEVER new york aug 1 practically all suspicion that yellow fever exists among persons under detention who have been taken off ste amera from southern ports in the past few days was removed today seven first cabin passenger staken off the steamer proteus from new orleans yesterday were released abo health office announced also that ithe five men taken from the freight steamer el suel yesterday and seven members of the Segur anca crow who were taken to the detention hospital last saturday will be freed today |