Show THEATRES laugh and the world laughs with you Is the maxim that holds sway at the utahna park open air theatre this week where one of the best vaudeville shows that has been seen here for many a day occupies the boards from beginning to end there is not that is not a moment of enjoyment and some of the turns are such as are seldom seen on the vaudeville stage in these parts As a curtain ralser creatore Krea tore a name probably copied from the famous bandmaster creatore is among the best this clever musician introduces n cumber of musical parts on various instruments that are sure to win the plaudits pl audits of the audience the turn Is both original and novel orvllle pitcher s in a turn as one of the old type of southern dar kles in the part of a stump speaker and the manner in which he juggles the english language simply convulses the audience with laughter there is no denying the fact that this comedian is among the best 0 monologue artists labard arid ryerson appear in a decidedly tunny sketch entitled the right man in the right place this turn jis another in which the impersonation of a donkey is used both performers interpret their parag most cleverly introducing a number of song and dance specialties they were loudly applauded for their efforts last night and kept the crowd laughing during the whole time occupied by their little skit I 1 W W ward seems to be more popular than ever this week his rendition of the illustrated song entitled just plain folks held the audience in the closest attention the song is very pretty and ward can sing it beyond a doubt the best part of the whole program is of harry bartlett and lethe coiling and this statement need cast no reflections on the other parts contained in the bill they introduce a most wonderful tea dur considered the most laughable mechanical ch costume ever before the pub tic bartlett is a contortionist of the url water he first appears as a a large head when the cos tribe Is torn from him he appears bent double in a position that one would think if was almost impossible to perform in throughout the play he performs acts of contortion that are extremely laughable miss bartlett la also very clever and her turn in the German language brought lots of applause whether it is understood or hot tho youngest sketch artist on the stage is the honor claimed for the helm family the turn presented by these two clever children is entitled A country courtship this serves to a number of tunny and unique parts in playing the part of the bashful lad is very good for one so young the were successful in bringing down iho house last evening aart were encored for their efforts the moving pictures arc also very good this week both sets being comical keeping up the laughter that starts so early in the hill tor which they act as a fitting climax the chase after the game poachers presents a number of tunny incidents but the adventures of th man who for a wife and dwoinen came so fast thai he endeavor ed to escape by running away tho climax handsone leaves the playhouse quite satisfied with himself and all the world beside |