Show NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR RUSSIA st petersburg july slit s understood that the election ot members for the proposed national assembly will be held on october and that the first meeting of the assembly will be held at st petersburg on november the emperor has the right to prorogue or dissolve the assembly as well as to determine the duration of the session according to tha amount of business to be discussed the president of the assembly can authorize the presence of the press at the sessions except at such meetings as are declared secret by the president or a minister for reason of state the national assembly will be entitled to pronounce not only on all government bills but also on the provisional regulations of the budget credits cession of state property and the formation of companies requiring exceptional privileges bills rejected by both the council of the empire and the assembly will be referred back tor revision to the minister responsible for their introduction bills approved by both bodies will be submitted to the emperor with a statement of the considers con sidera alons which actuated both bodies in passing them with reference to the right of interpellation ter the members will be entitled to bring the matter of infraction of the law to the attention of the ministers and ask explanations but the result must be signed by thirty members it the assembly is not satisfied with the answer the question may be submitted to the emperor victoria B CL July U the steamer manuka of the canawan australian line arrived today two days in advance of her schedule breaking all records for uie run from australia across the pacific she left at the same time as the sonoma and beat her two days to honolulu the manuka was delayed at quarantine a few hours and four passengers with measles were landed |