Show DEFENSE IS COMMENCED IN LAND FRAUDS portland ore august 1 judge A bennett in the united states court today commenced the principal argument for the defendants biggs gessner jarl congressman he is this afternoon and mr acney will follow him the jurors will bo deliberating on toe verdict by early tomorrow H S counsel for the defense with judge bennett ended his argument to daiy diy which was began yesterday afternoon judge bendott charged that district attorney heney Is indeed seeking tho but not the men big in crime he asked why the millionaires who lave been allowed to steal thousands c acres of the government land were allowed to go free while the men big only in reputation and standing among heir neighbors were chosen tor prosecution ec ution he alleged that newt Is the big fish the government Is after and that baggi and gessner were entangled in the net because they must bo caught to get the others judge bennett showed the former good character of the defendants and maintained that this should boo a strong point in their favor judge bennett had not concluded when court adjourned tor the day and will consume about halt an hour in the morning and will be followed by mr heney judge Dab avens charge will it la believed be brief and it is believed the case will go to abe jury about midday philippine certificates washington august 1 under the provisions of the philippines act of bureau of insular affairs of e war department la preparing to replace of philippine temporary certificates of indebtedness falling due september 1 next to a new use of one halt of that amount these are issued simply to maintain parity between gold and elvei ln the island circulating medium the new bonds or certificates will bear date of september ang are redeemable dee mable in one bearbe arllier cent interest 1 T |