Show but telegraphers they have tied up freights on bosh th northern pacific od greab tf alt wt r i ry mins aug 3 the ettilie ol 01 the telegraph opera tora ot the northern pacific and great northern railway systems today settled into what promises to be a long drawn appt contest between two of the largest railroads of the west and a combination of employed emp loyes who claim to have the power to tie up the moneymaking money making end of these two roads so that the companies will be willing to grant their demands president perham and his assistants began today with an attempt to close up all the loose ends ot the strike which was ordered last night to counteract the lockout ordered by the railroad officials yesterday at strike headquarters telegrams were arriving by the score from ev ery point alon the two systems from loyal unionists stating that everything here to a man bad gone out and that a complete tie up was effected on the other hand an equal number of telegrams were being sent to heads of unions at various points instructing them to set picket lines there is nothing to say now except that we have a full fledged strike on and that so tar as our reports go every man Is out on both lines said mr perham today 1 I ordered this strike after we tried all other ways ot settling our grievances against the railroad and after they bad locked outpour men because they would not sign impossible agreements another thing that made me call this strike was the statement of the general manager of the great northern that 80 per cent of the men remained loyal to the road that and he tact that about nonunion non union men were on their way from kansas city to fill the vacancies 0 the northern pacific caused me to show them that they were wrong in their estimate as to the number of loyal men well all our men are out and our advises advices are that the le up as complete the roads are not running any freight tralis they may be running passenger trains on time and I 1 hope they will do so as I 1 do not want to interrupt the travelers when asked on what basis he would be willing to call off the strike the strike leader would only say wo are in a peaceful and amicably ami cabla mood and will be reasonable if JL hill will talk business and meet my proposition fairly we will accept we have now men out on the great northern road andi 1100 on the north erni Pacific CLAIM TRAINS ARE RUNNING stpaul aug 2 although a general atalka was called by order of president perham of the order of rail way telegraphers last night on the great northern and northern pacific railways the managers of the roads say it haa not interfered with the running of passenger trains general manager blade of the great northern railway eaid today that all trains had come in on time so far today and that no great inconvenience had been felt for a year past the railroads have been installing telephone systems for such an emergency and by this means trains are being run with comparative satisfaction president perham claims today that before SO per cent 0 the operators will be out resulting in a complete tie up of the two big system mr slade of tb great northern and manager horn of the northern pacific said they were busy making a canvass of the situation and louia have something to say later TRAIN TIED UP antte mont aug 2 train no 6 cnown as the burlington flyer As reported to be tied up at a point bout 25 miles east of butte as a result of the strike last night the tarth coast limited ran from silver sow to buduo without a clearance but 1 ed very slowly of reached this city fifteen ml aufses late twelve operators walked out in this alj ichen the order went into effect after 11 last night bhones were called into use hy tha agent in charge of the northern pa caw depot here and the eastbound y flyer was given a clearance ajar as the eastbound fast freight on the northern pacific which vaa scheduled to leave But teat a m was abandoned shortly before departure time and the locomotive ordered back to the round house PEW STRIKERS new york aug 2 at the 0 the new york and porto rico steamship company which employed emp loyes over half of tha longshoremen on afrika at san juan P R it was paid today that the strikers number not more than altogether they arc natives no damage 0 o the companas comp anys property has been reported as a result of jbv riot the company had been ablo to cepure natives from the cast end ot the island to load and unload all its steamers without delay colonel T HH amill who served in the spanish american war in porto rico and who isnow chief of police at san juan is t due to arrive at san juan today on steamer coamo he has quelled beveral riots in porto rico in the last i A FRENCH explaining paris aug 2 premier at a session of the corps today handed to Prin coVon Ra dolln the german note explaining the french of view regard fag th program for the copfer en lo 10 cleanup misunderstandings the ecord ot the nd to agitation result og bait dozen years and the began at the time ot his Alep arturo from the island recently arid bis return today is unexpected afy the natives FROM EUROPE new york aug 2 baj ron hengal ni the austro ambas eador to the united states sir edmund john munson thea former british ambassador to nd idy munson arrived today oa the steamer carona from liverpool if |