Show MANY PRESCRIBE vegetables the wonderful power of lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound over the diseases of womankind is not because it Is a stimulant cot because but simply because it is the most wonderful tonio and recon ever discovered to act directly upon the generative organs positively curing disease and restoring health and vigor Marre lons cures arc reported from all parts of tho country by women who havo been cured trained nurses who have witnessed cures and physicians who recognized tha virtue oi clydla E Pink hams vegetable compound and are fair enough to giva credit abero it is due if physicians dared to be frank and open hundreds of edge that they constantly prescribe pres lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound in severe cases of female ellsas they know by experience it can be ro lied upon to effect a cure the following hotter proves it dr fa 0 frigham Erig ham of 4 brigham park fitchburg ritch burg mass writes it gives me great pleasure to say that I 1 flave found lydia E Pink hams compound very efficacious and often pro it in my practice tor female my found it very beneficial for uterine trouble some time aeo and my youngest daughter is now taking ft for a female weakness and Is surely gaining in health end strength I 1 freely advocate it as a most reliable specific in all diseases to which women are subject and give it honest endorsement women who are troubled with painful or bloating for flatulence falling inflammation flam mation or ulceration ulce ratton of the uterus ayarian troubles that down feeling dizziness faintness In diges aioo nervous prostration or the blues should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences and bo restored to perfect health and strength by tailing clydla E legeta bia compound and then write to mr pinkham at arnn mass for further free advice no living person has had the benefit of a experience in treating female ills bhe has guided thousands thou bands to health every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice it she wants to bo strong and well |