Show BOTH SIDES FOR WAR the declaration 0 the czar that he will not allow russia to be forced to a peace and tha announcement no of ono of tha japanese wib that japan de mands a billion dollar indemnity and the cession of the island of sakhalin Sak halin are not reassuring statements of an early peace tho terms demanded by japan would pe humiliating it rus sla mst them BO the prospects are the war will go on until the struggle la ended by the exhaustion of the power capable of carrying on a protracted conflict h iswald that the warlike spirit of the armies in manchuria have not been lessened by the pour parler and agrest battle awaits only the close of the rainy and passable roads then oyama will endeavor W envelop linevitch and capture or destroy his army only meager news from tho front is allowed to reach the public but such as hag been made pub alls leads to the belief that a large part ot army is surrounded by tho japanese n superior force and when tho rainy season ends when troops can advance oyama will to capture or destroy there is no longer any doubt as to the intent of japan to hold on to the island of sakhalin Sak halin already captured A considerable body ot japanese troops has already landed on tha siberian mainland and before the win ter season Is well under way a japanese army will lave overrun all of eastern siberia below tho peninsula immense tracts ot this territory are comparatively thinly settled and will afford a splendid outlet tor a large portion of japans sur plus population the land Is very fertile and raises the finest grain in the world this purpose of japan explains her indifference to peace negotiations tiati ons |