Show nucleus will be formed summer colony en winslow estate from tuesdays standard the first important meeting of the board of directors of the ogden canyon resort company tom pany since the organization of the company was held monday afternoon in he office of the secretary charles at the meeting the plans for the laying out of the canyon grounds were discussed and after a while adopted to faaili ate the laying out of the grounds louis potter was elected superintendent of the place and all of the work will be done under his direction architect J A smith was selected to make the plans for the restaurant and that aro to be erected this fall it was alto decided that the plans for the lading out of the grounds be left to simon bamberger engineer vail and architect smith the plans provide for the platting of the grounds into jots and these lots will be leased or rented to persons who desire to erect cottages the company will also erect several cottages that will be models of the style that the company may favor for the place and they will be sold or rented as is desired these cottages will bo erected some this fall and the remainder next spring so that those contemplating will have an idea af pf what is suitable tor the place t will be the policy of the company to discourage the use of tents at the resort and in fact will not permit their use after the place is started as the company desires to make the place a summer colony in the strictest sense of the word in connection with the plans of the company it was announced that mr vail would begin the work of platting at once and that as soon as he had completed the work that he would start surveying yin the line of the bamberger road from the point eight miles south of the city to the point where it is to enter ogden there faill be three lines surveyed to determine which is the most feasible route after which the work of grading will begin |