Show CROWDED CONDITION OF LOCAL DEPOT IS work on aw structure will be rushed and coal dealers must move soon i from tuesdays standard Ston dard denoral Mr roager E buckingham of he shot bhae alren seen here monday afternoon in reply to a question as to tbt proposed improvements for ogden that there would to no changa in tho plans as originally enado and ha the work would be executed as rapidly as possible another prominent railroad official stated that onay part of the occupying the companas comp anys land on the proposed site of tho new freight tie ot had a yet been notified to vacate bur that they all would bo notified a chwi time as it was cx the work would commence b roro october ast 1st he stated further hai he did not think that it would be necessary to inter fore with the sons odrea but said tha intention was to build tho freight house on tho norca side of twenty fourth street wall avenue and that there was a possibility of its extending to the south side ot twenty fourth the present crowfield crow fied condition oi tho local freight depot is largely responsible for tho rushing of this particular part of the wok at tho present time due to lick of proper facilities it costs about ten per cent more per ton to hand te freight here us compared with the coat in such atles as kansas city and athla wl be overcome bhea alio new building has baen erected ecith larger plat forns etc tho R B lewis coal company whose yards now seand on tho proposed site of the nav freight depot have secured quarters on the gcorge A howo property an wall avenue between twenty second and twenty third streets and will move to their new location before the first of september it is stated that the reason the coal companies were the first notified to vacate was due to the foresight of the railroad people who feared that they would get their winters supply of coal on hand which would make moving a difficult proposition P J quealy representing the kem coal company was in the city monday looking over several sites tor the M L jones coal company controlled by the concern he represents A number 0 locations were inspected but so far as could be learned no selection was made A f WARRANTY DEEDS the following warranty been filed in the county recorders of fice W E moore and wife to jannas F ana helen crosby for the sun of part of the northeast quarter of section 5 township S north 0 range 1 west W B waddell and wife topa garner for the sum of part of lot C block 12 plat B ogden T boklo july 31 admiral ekys condition has made satisfactory progress since the operation that was performed on his forehead he was able to leave bis bed and sit inja chair yesterday i pains in one however prevent his walking freelyn ant no cause for uneasiness the admiral has expressed his sincere satisfaction at the treatment accord j cd him t los angeles cal july sl george decker tho once famous first baseman drawing a year was committed to he state hospital at patton hopelessly insane with homicidal man la |