Show spreading rails are responsible for disaster johnstown pa aug 3 the morning baltimore ohio passenger train bound for johnstown rockwood was wrecked at the paint creek i bridge n somerset county A rail broke on the bridge and the train plunged down A special train bearing doctors nurses and newspaper men haa gone from here to the scene A south bethleham pa dispatch bays louis don the baggage man was killed and 17 others injured the smoker and baggage car wont into a river the train left somerset at for johnstown and consisted of the engine baggage car and two passenger coaches just where the road crosses the creek the rails spread and the baggage car and the coach next to it were hurled down a twenty toot embankment into a creek which Is a shallow stream the engine and last coach were not dragged down among the injured is conductor hal benford don the only person killed was known as the hero of the frightful du guesno limited wreck on the baltimore ohio near two years ago on that occasion although his eye was knocked out and was hanging on his cheek he pluckily pluck lly went back to flag the next train later reports from the wreck indicate that the first stories were exaggerated only one woman is seriously hurt and she may not die A number of others were cut and bruised and some bones were broken NEW RAILROAD will open up a rich section of oregon portland aug 3 the southern pacific company made an official announcement no of its intention to build a branch leaving the main line at drain ore running westerly along the umpqua river to gardner a point near the umpqua and thence south to mansfield on coos bay according to general manager J P obreen 0 the Harrl nian lines who lef tor southern oregon today active work of construction will begin as soon as the work of surveying th route which is now in progress has been completed the road will be standard gauge and will have the highest grade of equipment drain the point which the branch evarts la malca south of portland the new road will be 81 milaa in length it will tapa country which Is completely undeveloped owing to lack ot rail transportation it possesses perhaps the largest timber 1 bell in tho world ahab nab rich agricultural possibilities and A is a a mining center betl tor gold an coal john D spreckels ela ot san francisco owns several larro mines of the latter ore near coob bay I 1 MAGNETIC SURVEY wooden ship to sill to the north c san francisco au 3 A magnetic survey of the north pacific ocean will be inaugurated the next few days by the department of international research in terrestrial magnetism by the cameric institution of washington A wooden sailing vessel the brig galilow Gal iloe has been fully adapted tor the purposes of the expedition at this port and it is expected that she will sail the latter part of the week on her first seasons work the object of the expedition is to secure precise data of the distribution of the magnetic forces over the pacific ocean except tor data from occasional expeditions and such as were acquired in wooden a long time ago the present magnetic charts used by navigators over this region depend largely u pon the observations on islands along the coasts such land observations however are rarely representative of the true valuations because of local disturbances it is therefore impossible to make any statement as to the correctness of the present charts the director of the work is dr L A bauer who Is likewise in charge of the magnetic work of the united states coast and geodetic survey i the scientific leadro and commander of the galilee wll I 1 be J F pratt of the united state coast and geodetic survey who I 1 as had thirty years experience in astronomical geodetic and magnetic ork the members of the scientific corps are dr J hobart egbert ms betic observer surgeon and natura let J P ault magnetic observer i nd V W whitney magnetic observe r and watch officer WM J braaf JR ILL taken on a fast tr aln to a chicago hosp al chicago aug 3 lellam J bryan jr hospital where he unac went a surgical operation yesterday or the removal of an abscess on hiis tiis right knee brought about by li that began with a corn 01 his right foot young bryan was jr aught to the hospital yesterday from alnona lake ind on a fast train he is a student at a military academy the hospital phyana announced that his dangerous but that the prompt action in bring ing him to chicago tor treatment prevented a serious turn the inflammation that resulted in the forming of the abscess was first noticeable two weeks ago A corn on his right foot first became inflamed after it had been accidentally cut the cut became infected and it was for this reason that blood poisoning was feared the young man whom 16 years old kept the facts of his condition from his parents and other relatives sir bryan is now touring in ohio after the reassuring report by the hospital physicians who say the loy will be able to return to his studies in a few days word was sent last night to bis father and uncle charles W bryan at lincoln neb LAND FRAUD CASES judge hunt of montana Is to go to oregon portland ore aug 3 judge william F hunt of the federal court for the district of montana will reach portland aug 28 to take up the land fraud trials here they will be relinquished ed by judge J J de haven who will leave portland on saturday tor san francisco and remain there engaged the business that has arisen in his district A recess of the oregon district court will be taken from the conclusion of the final details incident to the closing of the second trial of Wllliam son gessner and biggs until aug 28 united states district attorney heney will leave for san francisco today to be gone for a couple of geeki and upon his return a federal grand jury will be called to probe further into the irregularities of tho land entries of the state and the many and various abuses growing out of tha observance nonobservance non of the law emigration ADVANCES WAGES austria hungary has a shortage of unskilled labor new york aug 3 baron hen gel muller the austro hungarland ambassador bas who arrived yesterday from europe denied that austria hungary Is encouraging emigration to the united states there Is a scarcity instead ot a surplus ot labor in austria hungary said he and farmers are having great difficulty in getting enough help to harvest their crops there was an abundance of such labor but emigration has changed the situation entirely wages for unskilled labor have advanced so that tasy are now as high practically a in america and there ia no object for laborers to leave their native land ANXIOUS CREDITORS MOURN new york aug 3 J H mansfield co a brokerage firm said to have been without exchange connections which occupied a handsome suite in a lower broadway office building has suspended and anxious creditors have besieged the place seeking some explanation no member of the firm could be found their only consolation was a placard on the floor reading business temporarily suspended will resume in a few days according to the firms letterheads the concern was incorporated with a capital ot it had been in business only elx months and catered largely to women forty of whom gathered about the closed rooms and stared ruefully at tha notice of suspension |