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Show I NEWS SUMMAEY. K v"In German-Samoa vaccination has , been made compulsory. M- '4k Near Covington, Va., by a cave-In at lW v the Stack mines, four men, all colored, M lost their lives. ' Business condition;. In Central Amer- m -Jca, which have been depressed, are lm ilowly Improving, tJ At Belleville, Kan., two Bohemian I; boys, Frank Zateck and Timothy Run- ' -dus, mere killed by lightning. (i There has been a copious downfall ,' of rain at this critical time In the ag- ; ricultural districts of Australia. l' Growls from Mont I'elee are dlraln- ' Ishtng. The volcano Is still In crup- r tlon, but Its activity Is non icslgnlQ- J cant. a Ills seml-ofllclally stated that the transfer of Delngoa buy, Portugueso Kust Africa, to lirltlsh control Is Imml-'J Imml-'J uent, ft Three hundred lirltlsh troops have ''J occupied the Malay principality of ,' Kalnnntun, French Cochin China, at jH tho request of the Sultan. M There havo been collisions between B troops and strikers m Guurda, near u Oporto, Portugal, during which u num- bcr of workmen were killed. S The lirltlsh government has raised - the lirltlsh flag on the island of Piilos, which Is near Trinidad, notwlthstnnd-Dt notwlthstnnd-Dt 'log the protest of the Venezuelan gov- yi ernment. B A parliamentary return issued last 1 week at Capetown shows that 3,437 rebels who surrendered under the peace proclamation have been disfranchised disfran-chised for life. At Pawnee, Kan., It. .1. Morrison, a pioneer, was called to the door of his store, where he slept, and was slugged and his throat cut from ear to car by an unknown assailant. Tho Venezuelan governmenthns pro- tested against tho lirltlsh Hag being j raised on tho Island of 1'alos, over t which tho Venezuelan government has S claimed Its sovereignty. f Peter Hcrlia, who was hanged at e Ilackensack, N. .1., for murder, made n J desperate light for liberty on the way to tho gallows, and had to bo carried to tho plncu of execution. i After an expenditure of $31,000,000 and the sacrifice of twenty-four liumun jj lives, the Rapid Transit subway under ; construction In New York City is ex it, actly three-fifths completed. 3 Jesus Hernandez was killed, two i -other Mexicans fatally injured and a fourth severely hurt In a premature explosion of a blunt in a construction camp near Fort Worth, Texas. L. Eowe, a farmer living near Bran don, Man., shot Thomas Law and Miss rfiherwln, because thoy had shot two pralrlo chickens on his furm. Rowe yf- -then suicided. Miss Sherwln may die. Ilcrmoslllo, Mexico, military author ities have received word of a desperato J "battle between a band of thirty Yaqul t ' Indians and a party of Mexican farm- ors near Tomatal. Six Indians were . killed. Two hundred gens-d'armes are scour Ilng the district around Ybbs, lower Austra, In search of a lunatic named Thebold Wlngate, whoso robberies terrorized tho inhabitants of the locality. lo-cality. At Falrport, Mo., Marlon Lucas, a jroung farmer, shot and probably fatally fa-tally wounded Maude Chlsnm, aged 10. They had just returned from a drlvo when Lucas, drawing a revolver, flred our shotB at the girl. In Wichita, Kan., when Tom Dlffon-3orfer, Dlffon-3orfer, convicted of burglary, was sen , tenced to the penitentiary for ten ' years, ho turned to the judge and salds I "May tho curse of Hod rest upon you, you bald-headed tyrant." . More than 1,000 of the leading rest- j dents of the Danish West India Island, I including merchants, planters and , householders, have potlttoned tho Dun- f Ish Ministry to expedite tho transfer of the islands to the United States. Doth McGovoin and Corbctt have left their forfeit of 83,700 In the hands ' ajf of Mr. Luybertson of the Cincinnati ' Enquirer, and havo made a verbal I agreement to fight In December before the club offering the largest purse. r Secretary Hoot has Issued Instruc tions to reduce the transport servlca j botwecn San Francisco and Manila to I one ship each mouth, such sailings to j , bo on tho first of each month. Hereto fore two transports have sailed each month. ' Peter Remlnskl, a Georgetown mlncrt who applied for work at tho Lehigh & Wllkesbarro Coal company, Wilkes-barro, Wilkes-barro, Pu., was shot In the leg by John Savage, a union miner, who saw him desert tho btrikcrs' ranks. Savage Is in jail. In a dispatch from Shanghai, tho correspondent of the London Standard declares that Boxerlsm in the province i of Szo Chuen has not been subdued. Tho premises of the China inland mission mis-sion at Mlchou havo been destroyed, but no lives were lost. In Baltimore, John Wesley Devlne, colored, wus hanged for the murder of l'atrolman Charles J, Donaliuo last Juno. Dcvlno wat. married thieewecki .. ago In the jail to a wouiuu with whom l to ;, he had been living and who was thn j " JL direct c"- of the murder. |