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Show PEACH STONES FOR FUEL. Have Been Utilized In Baltimore as Substitute for Coal. The great strlko and tho increased cost of coal Incident thereto has directed di-rected much attention to other materials ma-terials for fuol, and a Baltimore man says a good substitute for tho black diamond Is dried peach stones. Tho only objection to their uso Is their scarcity, which depends entirely on tho size of tho peach crop. Frank Hall, tho Baltlmorcan referred to, says his family had used peach stones as fuel for years until about threo or four years ago, since which tlmo tho supply has appeared to havo decreased. "Wo used to get tho dried peach stones from a Mr. Noel, who got them from tho different packing-nouses nnd i dried them on his place," Bald Mr. Hall yesterday. "I think wo paid $2.50 a load for them, tho load containing about forty-llvo bushels. Tho fuel was used In tho Kitchen and gave good results. Tho stones will make a quick, hot flro and ono that will last. Ono and a half or two buckets of tho peach stones will last as long as a bucket of coal. Ono has to uo careful not to fill tho stovo too full or tliero will likely bo nn explosion similar to a gasoline explosion. Tho proper way to keep tho flro going Is to put In a shovelful at a time. "Peach stones thrown Into a damp collar," said Mr. Hull, "aro said to have a peculiar effect on a person. After tho stones aro In tho collar for some tlmo gases arlso, and tho fumes will go to ono't head nnd give tho same effect ss if tho distilled product of tho peach had boon Imbibed," |