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Show Trusts Can Be Regulated. H Trusts and combinations can bo reg- H ulated by a federal law and federal H supervision, as suggested by Prcsldont H Roosovelt. They enn bo mndo to show ,H their accounts, their real monetary M standing and responsibility, but they M cannot bo destroyed if wo remember H that chango of name or even in some H degree of method will not chango tho , thing Itself. If half tho time glvon by ll speukcts and writers to advocacy ot destroying thu trusts wero devotod to aH formulating a practlcablo schemo ot tH regulating thorn, thero would bo an 'aB appreciable gain for tho country in In- M crcusod public realization that tho H trust question can bo dealt with effee- H tlvcly only by dealing with it temper- H ntcly. Boston Transcript. H |