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Show CHILD CRUSHED BY COACH. Three Year (Mil (iltl of lrmt 1'nllt Hun Oirr hiiiI UIIUil. The Lewlston coach ran down and crushed to deuth Gladys Chamberlain, the thiee-year-old duughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chamberlain at Oreat Fulls, Mont. The accident occurred directly in front of tho little one's home, uhere she was taken aud died half un hour later, 'J ho heavy wheels of the couch passed directly over the body of tho child. After tho accident the co.icli went on to the stable of the company on Third avenue without stopping aud tliu driver wus working about there unci hud made no mention men-tion of the killing. Ho wus at once taken beforo the county attorney and guvo his name as M. S. Iloivc, claiming claim-ing to have been it driver for a number of years. Owing to an extra largo amount of business llowo wns put in charge of un extra coach from Lewis-town Lewis-town and It wus his first trip. He claimed to have been unable to control his horses, they having been frightened fright-ened by an approaching street car. Ills reason given for not turning back was that he did not believe the child was hurt. |