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Show THE TARirr AND TRUSTS. The tariff has alvvajs been a winning win-ning issue for the Republicans save in the campaign of 18!U, when the voters listened to the seductive sophistry of the fiec traders and decided at the polls to dcstioy prosperity. Rut they learned a lesson as the result of that election which they arc not likely to forget. The dark and gloomy dajs from 180.1 to 1807, while the blight of the Wilson law was upon the country, business was paralyzed and labor was without remunerative employment, demonstrated that protection cannot be abandoned In the United States without bringing distress upon the people. The Instant and tremendous revival of business as a result of the election of McKlnley and the enactment enact-ment of the Dlngley law, which restored re-stored the protective policy, supplied ample proof of the valuo pf protection as a stimulus to industry and commerce. com-merce. The Democrats cannot this j ear delude the people Into voting for an abandonment of the protective policy. Nor will they be enabled to make an effective campaign on the trust issue. Tho Democratic record will not compare com-pare favorably with the Republican record In respect to trusts. The Sherman Sher-man anti-trust law, which appears to be the only effective weapon that congress con-gress can Use against tho big combinations combina-tions of capital, was framed by a Republican, Re-publican, passed by a Republican congress con-gress and signed by a Republican president in 1890. For four years that law stood in the statute books while Grover Cleveland was president, jet It was not used once to restrain a trust. It was used by a Republican attorney general against tho Joint Traffic association and the Transmls-sourl Transmls-sourl Freight association, which wero formed to control trade among tho states. It Is now being used by another an-other Republican attorney general against the beef trust, and It will be used against other combinations which arc oppressive of the people. Tho Sherman law goes as far as any statuto can under (i present lt.nlta-tlonsofthe lt.nlta-tlonsofthe constitution in tho restraint re-straint of the operations of trusts. It will be necessary to amend the constl-tutlc constl-tutlc t. so as to give congress greater povvei if more drastic legislation is to be enacted. Yet w hen a constitutional constitution-al amendment was proposed in the last Republican congress tho Democrats Demo-crats opposed It solidly. i |