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Show UNCLE SILA3 ON AUTOS. Old Gentleman Compares Thim Un favorably With the Horse. "Naw," observed Undo Silas no he hitched a nail keg n few Inches bo as to keep within tho receding slmdo of a trco In front of tho country storo, "I calkllato I wmln't hev ono o' thera goshdlng'd ottymobccls cf sum feller wild gtv' mo una fcr nuthln'. Hnln't skasly a day passes thwt ono o' th' blamo sputturln' things don't break down out in th' road in front u' my house. Ono o' thorn ottymobeels will git up an' git liko nil Satn Hill fer a. few miles and then, fust thing yow know, It will jes stop, clean tuckered out. "Ez I wu! drivln' intcw town this mornln' 1 klm ncrost two ottymobeols thet hed balked. Th' feller thot owned ono wus! n-layin' on his bock In under It n-tlghtenln' up sum holts In Its stummik. Tothcr chap wanted tow know whut I wu'd charge tew haul his ottymobccl ton miles to th' nearest railroad Btntlon, so ho cu'd ship It hum. I tol' him that Jinny, my bay nmru, wuz Bkccr'd 'o th' Infernal things nn' thot of I'd hitch her tow th' otty-mobcel otty-mobcel I reckon'd sho wudn't stay hitched long. "Naw-sir-ee I don't Xeer fer enny ottymobeels In mine, thnnk'eo; I cal-kliato cal-kliato thot Jinny will answer my pur-pus pur-pus yit fcr n spell. Jinny Is goln' on S3 years old an' mobbe sho hain't quite es tpry es rho uster be, secln' cs how sho Is Bpavln'd sum an' Inter-lores Inter-lores Jn frunt, but when I itart out behind her I hov th' consolation o' knowln' thot slio won't git Blck an' lay down In th' road liko ono o' them gosh-blnmo ottymobccls. Jinny, sho enn't go a mllo n mlnnlt, liko tin otty-mobcel otty-mobcel kin, hut Bho goes n mllo cs quick C3 sho kin, an' tlict'a swift onuf for mo, li'gosh! I wudn't swap thet llttlo liny maro fcr all th' ottymobeels Unit yew cud pllo In a len-acro lot 1 wouldn't, I gum!" Ohio Stato Jour-pal. |